[h2][center]Barlour City-A random meeting gone almost wrong[/center][/h2] [center][@Lmpkio][@EnterTheHero][/center] [color=goldenrod]"What? You know Lady Uriel, then? Who are you?"[/color] Wrath glanced back at the Sage, gauging the lad. [color=FireBrick]"Well, who I am is of not much importance, but call me Wrath, since humans like to know names. And of course I know Uriel, she spent the first fifty years of my life as good as raising me."[/color] The Nephilim started to turn to leave, spotting a nearby sewer entrance, though he wasn't sure he could fit through it without a little help from Rage Bringer, when the Half-Demon's demonic energy surged. [color=9e0b0f]"You bore me."[/color] The half-demon simply states to the Sage as he continues to stand there casually, [color=9e0b0f]"I have a job to do here, one that doesn't have to do with you or Heaven. Now get out of my way, and I may just let you go bullet-free."[/color] The answer was a resounding shriek through the air as the great sword left it's place on Wrath's back and leveled with the Half-Demon's neck. [color=FireBrick]"Now, now lad, no need to be picking fights if you've not got a reason, even if you are a Demon. And especially unwise to do it in front of a Nephilim who's not had a decent fight in the last ten days or so. So, what say the Sage comes with me and we leave you be until such a time as a fight is more fitting for us all?"[/color] The sword didn't waver and Wrath gave off a vibe of readiness that didn't outwardly show.