[quote=@Grasshopper] [hider=Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy VII] [center][color=white][h1]Cloud Strife[/h1][b]< Final Fantasy VII >[/b][/color] [sup][b][i]"Alright everybody, let's mosey!"[/i][/b][/sup] [hr][img]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h253/WeBeFeBe/CloudCGModel-CrisisCore.png[/img][/center][hr] [color=white][b]MEMORIA[/b][/color] [indent]Cloud comes from the small mountain village of Nibelheim. His father died when he was young, and he was raised by his mother. When Cloud was fourteen he learned of Sephiroth, and idolized him. Inspired to become a hero, Cloud left his hometown to join SOLDIER, but he never made it to that level. He became a Shinra infantryman, and met a first class SOLDIER named Zack. The two became friends, and infiltrated a mako excavation facility together. At the age of sixteen, Cloud returned to his childhood town along with both Zack and Sephiroth to investigate a damaged mako reactor in the mountains. Tifa acts as their guide. Embarrassed by his lowly infantryman status, rather than being part of SOLDIER like he was aiming for, he hides his identity from Tifa by keeping his face-concealing helmet on. When the group reaches the reactor, Sephiroth discovers Professor Hojo's experiments with Jenova, returns to town and locks himself in Shinra Manor, where he learns more details of the experiments and his involvement in them. Enraged, he destroys Nebelheim, setting the town aflame, and killing Cloud's mother. Cloud confronts and defeats Sephiroth at the reactor, much to Sephiroth's surprise. Both Zack and Cloud are gravely wounded. Professor Hojo takes the two back to Shinra Manor and makes them into experiments, injecting them with Jenova cells and exposing them to mako. They are deemed failures and left in pods for four years in the basement, when Zack eventually breaks free. He helps Cloud, who has not recovered and is in a vegetative state. After a year of running, Shinra forces catch up to them and kill Zack. Cloud is ignored. Due to the trauma, Cloud's memories are twisted, and he takes on Zack's personality, presenting himself as a former 1st class SOLDIER and mercenary for hire. He has inconsistent memories and periods of blackouts, none of which he remembers. He joins the group AVALANCHE which ultimately leads to his pursuit of Sephiroth. During a series of adventures, he eventually regains his memories. He meets Aeris and agrees to become her bodyguard in exchange for a date. The AVALANCHE group returns to Nibelheim and discovers the town has been replaced by imposters, to cover up what Sephiroth did. Traveling to the Temple of the Ancients, the group learns of Sephiroth's plan to call Meteor, which would wound the planet, and allow him to absorb energy from the Lifestream, effectively becoming a god. Cloud attempts to attack Sephiroth, but due to the Jenova experiments done to him in the Shinra Manor, he is able to be controlled by Sephiroth. The group has to stop him. When he wakes up, he finds that Aeris is gone. The group follows her to the Forgotten Capital, just in time to see Sephiroth impale her from behind. She dies, and Cloud is crushed. The group continues to pursue Sephiroth. Cloud ends up falling into the lifestream, where he suffers mako poisoning. Tifa stays with him while the group continues to try to stop Sephiroth and the meteor that is now coming toward the planet. The two fall into the lifestream, where Cloud comes to terms with who he really is. The group returns to the North Crater and confront Sephiroth for the "final" time. They defeat him. Cloud follows him spiritually into the lifestream and defeats him there as well. Aeris was able to cast Holy before she died, which saves the planet from the meteor. Cloud and Tifa build a life together. He sets up a deliver business, and she runs a bar. Although happy, Cloud still has issues with his past, regrets that he can't shake. They take in an orphan, Denzel, who is suffering from a new disease: Geostigma. It's caused by Sephiroth's presence in the lifestream, polluting it. He was able to survive by a strange connection to Cloud- Cloud's memories of Sephiroth allowed his continued existence. Cloud looks for a cure for Denzel's Geostigma, and ends up with Geostigma himself due to the Jenova cells within him. Three men gather those infected with Geostigma, hoping they will lead them to Jenova's remains. They have several run ins with Cloud, and are ultimately successful in finding Jenova. Cloud and the others are cured of Geostigma by Lifestream-infused water in the church where Aeris used to pray. The leader of the three, Kadaj, is able to merge with the Jenova remains, which brings Sephiroth back in physical form. Cloud battles him again, and nearly dies, but the thought of his friends and how important they are to him gives him the strength to win. Sephiroth disappears, leaving Kadaj in his place, who subsequently dies. Cloud now has a better outlook on life, no longer feeling overly-guilty for Aeris's death, and cherishes the friends he has.[/indent] [color=white][b]PARTNER[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Moogle - Mina][img]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h253/WeBeFeBe/moogle_2_by_ardat__lili.jpg[/img] Image Credit: Ardat--Lili[/hider][/indent] [color=white][b]INVENTORY[/b][/color] [list][*][hider=Weapons] [list][*][b]Buster Sword[/b] [i]An enormous broadsword. The buster sword has two linked Orbis slots for upgrades. They are currently empty.[/i][/list] [/hider][/list] [list][*][hider=Special Abilities] [list][*][b]Cross Slash[/b] [i]A powerful non-elemental sword attack. Cloud unleashes a series of fast strikes.[/i][/list] [list][*][b]Blade Beam[/b] [i]Cloud strikes the ground with his sword. A beam of energy follows a straight line from where the blade points, hitting the main target in its path for 3.5 times normal damage. If there are multiple targets, it hits the remaining for normal damage.[/i][/list] [list][*][b]Omnislash[/b] [i]Cloud's most powerful attack, hits random enemies 15 times for 0.75 times damage.[/i][/list] [/hider][/list] [color=white][b]JOURNAL[/b][/color] [list][*][hider=Character Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikomlR3-Q8c[/youtube][/hider] [/list][/hider] I did it! [/quote] In my previous post above I said that I won't be accepting any more characters, but it's a jerk move to turn people away (especially since I'm in a different timezone from everyone else), so I'll make an exception to approve your CS on account that...I'm living in [s]everyone's "near future"[/s] the wrong timezone. [s]Have you guys decided how you want to meet up as a group?[/s] (EDIT: Kudos to [@Penultimate_Pi]!) After warming up to one another (can be friendly alliance or a tense squabble, you guys can discuss how your character is going to make an impression on the others), I'll be releasing the first "clue". You might be wondering: why isn't the GM playing a character? Well, my job is only to guide you, the players. Otherwise you are on your own, sending your characters on an uncertain journey of self-discovery...and maybe something else more. (Besides, I'm probably gonna have my hands full controlling all the NPCs...) --- ...Internet at my side is horrible today, so none of the sites are loading properly and in time. Sorry I missed out your IC post, Pi.