[center][h3][color=a187be]~Qelhatat Apophka~[/color][/h3] |Alexandria|[/center] Ra's bright sun rose over the city, washing away the shadows and coolness of the night. The dark skinned girl known as Qelhatat walked down the street of the grand city, humming a pleasant tune to herself as she passed through the crowds of people moving through the street. It was always oh so lively first thing in the morning, and Qel loved it. So many people moving about, going about their day. So many chances for a little...chaos to happen. Not that she'd ever wish such horrid fates upon the people of Alexandria, quite the opposite. The child demigod had rather grandiose ambitions of driving out the Romans and reinstating the pharaohs. It would be quite the shocking ambition to most, since she was the daughter of Apep, the serpent of Chaos and so called 'embodiment of everything bad'. She of course, knew those titles were nothing more than things tacked onto her father because the ignorant masses couldn't understand him. Sure, he had possibly [i]tried[/i] to do so in the past. He's even tried to kill Ra multiple times. He also probably...would drown the world in chaos and darkness if he cold free himself from Duat, but he can't leave because that evil Ra had imprisoned the both of them there. And yes, him simply existing probably brought bad things to Egypt. ...okay, so maybe the others had a right to hate him. But she could care less. Maybe one of these days she could kill Ra herself? That would certainly be fun. Hehe, the rest of the Egyptians would be completely hopeless if they saw their sun vanish before their eyes. A scheme for later, perhaps. For now...she should do something about the Romans. Destroying them and reinstating the Pharaohs should be her first step. After that, then she could kill Ra. Or, better yet - Reinstate the Pharaohs and have them worship [i]Apep[/i] as the chief deity and [i]Ra[/i] as the one to be shunned and worshiped against. The girl giggled quietly to herself as she walked. Such a good scheme indeed! Going about it though, was much more difficult then just desiring it though. First thing first: Stealthily get into Rome. The best course of action the fifteen year old could come up with, was to bring them down from the inside. It was the easiest way to win a war, honestly. Plant seeds of chaos in their ranks, and watch the destruction unfold as they tore themselves apart. It would be so much easier to reclaim Egypt. Which was why she was heading to the docks. A few people gave the girl some odd stares as she walked, no doubt a little questioning of the thick cloak she was wearing as her sandals patted in the road. Her scepter was concealed nicely on her back, unable to be seen, and so were most of the odd markings on her skin, concealing her true nature for the most part. The girl took a turn down another street, as she did so she noticed a group of Roman soldiers heading down opposite end of the street heading towards her direction. The child of Apep looked at them with curious blue eyes. Hmm...perhaps a little fun with them on her way to procure a sailing vessel wouldn't be too much trouble. With a mischievous giggle, she headed towards the group of soldiers, a small hiss could be heard from under her cloak. [color=a187be]"Shhh, silly. I'm not going to do anything too dangerous. Just go hide somewhere."[/color] She said quietly to herself, earning another low hiss from under her cloak, but nothing else was heard as she approached the group of soldiers, starting to walk alongside them. [color=a187be]"Hi!"[/color] She greeted them cheerfully. [color=a187be]"So I heard there's a lot of gods I've never heard of where you're from!"[/color] She looked up at them with a smile. [color=a187be]"Like this really old white haired man that throws lightning at people because he's too much of a coward to fight them!"[/color] [@LadyRunic]