[@wick] can I join? -------------------- Name: Izy Age 21 Sex: Female Offensive power: claws. Can create claws anywhere and any size on her body and are made of metal or bone and are nearly indestructible. Defensive power: armored skin. Can create armor and limbs such as arms or tails out of almost indescribable bones, but they aren't like skeletons they actually look like the limbs just made of bones. Enhanced power: Super speed. Appearance:[hider=Look] she has pale skin, almost glowing red eyes, reddish-blond hair, 116lbs, 5'5.[img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/1BVX54T_dU2GdQVFx_bqnlxDa_eWSZXWGaUXKOUbLzcTykIwUiJmwW-afoZ9azDumB46[/img][/hider] Bio: izy never really hurt anyone nor even talked to anyone for that matter, she mainly keep to herself. Izy purposely got put in this group, she surprised even herself when she did this. Maybe it was because she just wanted to be with people of her own kind or maybe she wanted friends. she's still not sure why.