[color=00a651]"That's good. Good guys look after their sisters,"[/color] Kimiko said, a bit unnecessarily. The vapid attempt small talk usually wasn't her kind of thing, but she was distracted by a horrific sight up the street ahead of them. Kimiko, usually ever languid, quickened her pace slightly to join the back of the transfixed crowd - a tactical decision that ensured she [color=00a651][s]could be the first to gank Daisuke-kun's bike and consign him to the first course of the flesh buffet while she made her escape to the sea where no machine could follow[/s][/color] and Daisuke were just far enough to call themselves safe, while just being close enough to see what was going on through the shoulders and whispers of bystanders. Through the slowly-clearing smoke, a wreck was plainly visible - just as awful as Kimiko had feared, and as no one was rapidly hurrying to the cab, it was plain that survival was a pipe dream. It was the small legion of automatons that were forming up before the crowd that grabbed Kimiko's attention. [i][color=00a651]They carry pizza on their backs...yet carry malice in their eyes.[/color][/i] She was growing uncomfortable. The chewing on her gum became quiet, close-mouthed chomping. [color=00a651]"If you would, Daisuke-kun, begin chewing gum in earnest. If need be, we can create a minefield. Clog their wheels.""[/color] A strip of Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape (TM) was distributed on an egalitarian basis to the one-time delinquent.