[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/KtaFYg7.png[/img] [colour=black][i][b]The Timeless One, The Celestial Above, Vicegerent of Fate, Guardian of the Timeline, Master of Creation, Lord of Time[/b][/i] Level 3 God of Creation (Time) 16.5 Might 4 Freepoint ***===***===***===***===*** [/colour][hider=Summary] This Post takes place over a period of 4,000 Galbarian years, with each Galbarian day counting for 1,000 Chronos years The Greater and Lesser Crows are Created [-1 Might] The Crimson Cherry Tree is Created [-1 Might] The Sparkling Pool is Created [-1 Might] The Sertzamen-Vremae (the Crystals) are Created [-6 Might] The Chronos Silk-Spider is Created [-1 Might] The Solitary Mount is Created in the Utmost North of Galbar [-1 Might] The Whirlpool of Space and Time, leading to Chronos, and its guardian, are Created atop the Solitary Mount[-1 Might] The forest-tree, Old Bark-Skin, and the jungle-tree, Garabil, are created [-1 Might] The Treeminds are Created [-1 Might] [s]The Garinths are Created [-1 Might][/s] The Bard Levels up from Level 1 to Level 3 [-7 Might to the Bard] [s]15[/s] 14 Might Consumed by Vowzra, [s]1.5[/s] 2.5 Might 4 Freepoints remaining 7 Might Consumed by The Bard, 1 Might remaining [/hider][/centre] Over the many billions of years that had passed within Chronos, much had changed. As surely as the weathers and oceans and the explosions of great volcanoes changed the surfaces of planets in the Universe, so too did Time change the very nature of the realms of Time. First to take form within Vowzra's plane were the Crows. Two crows, one large and one smaller, whose skeletal abdomens were visible to all, and whose feathers and skin were more like a strange, webbed cloak of fur. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/02/4d/4b/024d4b929109030280f78f713c9ec7df.jpg]The larger was Aeth, 'the Greater Crow', and the smaller was Chao, 'the Lesser Crow'.[/url] With the Crows came the hourglasses filled with red sand. Each hourglass had a name engraved in it. But these were not merely any names. These were the names of the very souls of beings, names whose very utterance would generate immense power - power over others, or power over oneself. They were True Names. Each hourglass, whether it be that of a god or that of a mortal, had a hole at one end. When turned over, the sands would filter slowly from the upper chamber, through the tiny neck in the middle, and down into the lower chamber. But they would not stop there, for the bottom chamber was pierced, and so the sands would continue falling until they reached the grey stone ground. Once the sands of Time were lost to a being, never again would they return. Gods and mortals alike had their prescribed Time; none could escape the grinder. The largest hourglasses, those of the gods, had not yet been turned. For the End Times had not yet begun. Nor had the medium-sized ones, those of the demigods - those born and those yet to be. And littered amongst the hourglasses of mortals were those that glowed with a golden sheen. Those of the Chosen Elect, blessed of the gods. These had not been turned either. The crows shaped the arable earth of the [url=https://cdn1.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/279/077/large/labndscape2.jpg?1414781652]Shifting Plains[/url], between the great mountains and the Chronos heartlands, into huge shelves, and there they stored the many hourglasses. Every now and then the smaller of the crows, Chao, would leap upon an almost empty hourglass and crush it in his claws, while Aeth would gather up clay in his claws and blow into it to form a new hourglass before carving out the True Name into the glass. No newborn life passed them by; no act of the Lord of Death was ignored. Though they had no power to create or end life they allocated Fated Time, and none defied Fate but the stray. Over the eons, there grew a small sapling from the hardened stone of the Chronos heartlands, not too far from the Cube. The Bard looked upon the small plant and thought it a most curious thing indeed. [colour=olive][i]'Why is it, that of all the trees that carry, there should grow here a crimson cherry? 'tis a thing most strange and curious,'[/i][/colour] and even as he spoke, the cherry grew and the ground around it began to shift and break away till there was a large trench surrounding it. And there grew upon the tree deep crimson cherries, each as large as an apricot. Each fruit had lustre to it and seemed to shiver from the juices within it. It was as though the slightest touch would cause them to burst in an explosion of glorious red juices. The trench, over time, filled up with water - for there was a small spring deep beneath the tree. And the waters eroded the trench further until the tree was surrounded on all sides by a mystic pool, which exuded an alluring fragrance. These waters glistened with purity, and though The Bard felt no thirst he drank from the pool often. And he was the wiser and more powerful for it. The grey stone ground of the Chronos heartlands also underwent a change, for there grew upon it strange crystals of all colours and shapes. They were slow-growing things and exuded a mighty aura which affected everything in the heartlands. It was almost as though the crystals were alive. With the eons that passed by, no corner of the heartlands was left without crystals. They grew around the base of the great Cube, and they grew close to the pool also, though there was a perimeter near its shores which the crystals never crossed. A single spider had made its web in the cherry tree, and as the aura of the crystals and the pool intermingled in the air and entered her, she became pregnant and gave birth to hundreds of younglings, who scattered and fell into the pool. Bloated to terrifying sizes, the babies left the pool and scattered through the Chronos heartlands. Though they little realised it, the pool had imbued their silk with near magical strength, and given them the ability to produce it in tremendous amounts. Vowzra harvested some of this silk and created with it a cloak for his second-born, a cloak of the spider-silk of the Chronos Silk-Spider. And he dipped it into the pool and wrapped it around The Bard, and the demigod disappeared from sight and the senses of lesser beings. Even as this happened, Vowzra had not been idle, for he had been upon Galbar and created, as was his duty. There rose an enormous mountain - the single tallest mountain on Galbar. It would be known to the inhabitants of the Utmost North as 'the Solitary Mount'. Upon the mount he cast a divine mist which coagulated upon itself and created a great Whirlpool of Space and Time: a gateway to Chronos atop the highest mountain on Chronos. A single Chronos Silk-Spider was summoned and moulded into the shape of a man, and there he sat, [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e0/e0/91/e0e0914aabad78a2c0a5c4fd86a3aada.jpg]the Guardian of the Gate[/url], beside the Whirlpool, guarding it for all time. And even as he sat, the Whirlpool solidified into a rock and would not open until the Guardian willed it. In the Utmost North, where the loyal bears yet dwelled, Vowzra planted a single seed and there grew a great tree. And from the same root, there grew many other trunks and the roots travelled in the earth until they covered the entire north. A forest of a tree. Not too far south from the forest-tree, there sprouted another such tree, and a great jungle was formed. In the northern forest-tree, the great bears evolved and grew. Their brains evolved and their bodies grew more powerful, and rather than walking on four legs, they stood up straight and walked upon two. And their fur grew powerful and their bodies mingled, over the many centuries, with the strange magic of the great forest-tree, whose epicentre they knew as Old Bark-Skin. And it was around Old Bark-Skin that most of the Treeminds chose to live. Powerful guardians of the Utmost North, of Old Bark-Skin, and of the Solitary Mount – all which they held sacred. [hider=No Longer Canon]In the jungle-tree another race grew. From various apes which stalked the forest, there evolved a species of homo sapiens: Homo Sapien Garinthus. The garinths were in every way superior to their human cousins; the least intelligent of them was just above the average for humans, and their strength – which varied depending on race – was leagues and bounds beyond what normal hain and humans could achieve. The garinths and the Treeminds lived in the forest-tree and the jungle-tree, there they evolved and there they would remain; the natural guardians of the Utmost North and the gate to the realms of Time.[/hider]