[center][h3]Abandoned Subway[/h3][/center] An abandoned subway, below the main subway. It was like New York honestly, a subway below a subway, one that was no longer used and gave way to wear and tear. The history pertaining to it was because there were various mysterious incidents. Now, many trains either ran above it, or around it, which result in Barlour's confusing and as some residents called it, nonsensical pathing. It was just like the Order members to quickly pinpoint the abandoned subways location, just by studying the train maps as well as the old train maps. It was the old ones that held the key, they were the ones that ran more closely around it. Wherever all the trains avoided, was likely where the abandoned subway was. [color=1a7b30]This information was passed onto Gilgamesh[/color] as well as the DHO. There was also a report of the recently identified demon named [color=9e0b0f]Fenn[/color], to have fall into and near the abandoned subway, along with the hunters who were in combat with him, [color=aba000]Zio [/color]and [color=a0410d]"Roughneck"[/color]. Still, the priority was currently the seals, so only minimal help could be sent to those hunters. [center][h3]Abandoned Subway | Order of the Sword Forward Base[/h3][/center] Nero was set to arrive in not too long, but [color=9e0b0f]Mary [/color]and whatever troops she had with her had set up a forward base as requested by Nero. It was set at one of the entrances to the abandoned subway. The orders he gave were awkward, it looks like his usual lone wolf style was still with him, because he also requested only scouting, no combat was to be initiated. Even then, some of the Order members ran into some of the Hideous, as well as some lesser demons that appeared as a result of the weakened barrier between the human and demon realms. Gilgamesh's operatives were ready to move out too, so it was all a matter of where for them. There were a large amount of entrances into the subway, through the library, under the main station in Central, below the museum, random points in alleyways and so on and so forth. Still, the point of entry was more out of preference and coverage, so it was all up to them on how they moved. The DHO has hunters already occupied on the surface, so for now they would have to rely on just Zio and Roughneck while in the subways, as well as on their allies. As everyone present would feel, they were getting close to the Second Seal. [center][h3]Barlour City Surface[/h3][/center] The movements of Gilgamesh, the Order of the Sword, and DHO did not go unnoticed. Various agents, including the Lumen Sage [color=fff200]Silas[/color], and the demons [color=9e0b0f]Blair [/color]and [color=ed1c24]Gideon[/color], as well as the Nephilim [color=f26522]Wrath [/color]would notice the movements of the human factions. It was a small number, but for these fine-tuned agents of both heaven and hell, they knew that these human agents knew something about the whole situation surrounding as to why they were here. Even the rogue demon [color=f6989d]Lily [/color]was onto the movements. Things were about to get heated.