ONI not included? Browning doubted that, it even made him wonder if Lasky was being given the full picture. After all, ONI was responsible for the "Spartans never die" propaganda. Plus, to a far lesser extent, he was here, an ONI operative. He'd have to file a report with Rear Admiral Osman later, as well as a request to access these Spartans service records. He didn't like being in the dark, especially not on his team. Perhaps Palmer might help him with that. Then again, people aren't usually so fond of the "spooks" [color=00a651]Commander Palmer. Assuming we make it through this, I'd like to discuss something wth you, ma'am.[/color] With that, he stepped out of the room, heading for the main hangar, his boots making the soft thud as he walked, the floor holding the heavy armour.