Kain took his key, a defiant smirk rolled across his lips. It was suddenly obvious why. A silver liquid drip from his hand and solidified into little mis-shaped balls as the key melted and hardened over Eddie's ID badge. Kain took the comm's but refused to hang around for the lecture. "[i]Metal barrel locks? primitive and useless. I don't need keys anyway." [/i] He flicks up his hood and pushes past the stiff standing Grant without even acknowledging his presence. "[i]Oh, and don't worry. Of course he's not dead! I'm not a killer. But you will need a scissor lift and grinder to get him down.[/i]" Kain left the room and headed to the garage, he would inspect and wait by their designated vehicle. A moment after his departure his sarcastic voice crackles across the earpieces [i]"Shotgun"[/i] [@RaeoftheLight][@Wick][@Blop]