[hider=Teres Wratherton] [b]Name: [/b] Teres Wratherton [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Age: [/b] 18 [b]Length of Stay: [/b] Just arrived. Two whole months to go. [b]Illness:[/b] Teres has been incorrectly diagnosed with Dissociative identity disorder (previously known as multiple personality disorder). [b]Incident: [/b] The last few days had been such an unbelievable blur, a maelstrom of shouting, crying, pleading and confusion. Lots of confusion. Teres went to class just like she always did, sure it was her birthday too, but it didn't mean she was allowed the day off school. It was actually a pretty good day (Maths class with that dickhead Mr Garbutt sucked, but then it always does) and by the time the end of the day came she was eager to get home and start to get ready for her party - it was supposed to have been an amazing night. Just as she was leaving the main school building she suddenly realised she didn't have her coat, or rather more importantly she didn't have her phone which she'd left in the pocket of her coat in her last class. Fortunately for her the coat and phone had been exactly where she left them and she'd sighed a deep sigh of relief and had picked them up. As she started to leave she suddenly noticed how few people there were when moments ago there had been so many. As she started to ponder this fact she remembers feeling a little dizzy almost as a firm hand had swiftly patted her shoulder. Starting to turn around was the last thing she remembered before waking up in the hospital handcuffed to the bed with a stern faced police officer baring over her. Turns out she had attacked a teacher in class before going on some kind of rampage grinning like a lunatic and assaulting some girl she didn't even know. So that was that. Well, that was the beginning of a long and frustrating chain of events beginning with her police interrogation, passing through her expulsion from the school, whizzing right by all of her friends avoiding her and ignoring her calls and texts, before finally landing somewhere around being diagnosed with Dissociative identity disorder and getting sent to some group home in California. Of course she'd tried to explain that it wasn't her, that she hadn't done anything and that she'd simply collapsed somewhere at school and it was all just a huge misunderstanding. 'Symptoms', is what the doctors had called these explanations, the police happy to listen to their 'expert opinions' (plus the countless supposed eye witnesses didn't exactly help). But there you had it, she was officially crazy. Now she has to stay for two whole months surrounded by the real crazy people and doctors who would want to poke and prod and 'treat' this supposed disorder. Well jokes on them, or so she thought. She'd only have to stay there for two months, grin and bear it and she'd be allowed back to her old life and she'd be able to explain to her friends what had really happened and everything would go back to normal... [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Pic] [URL=http://s74.photobucket.com/user/Bloodlut/media/24-Anime-girl-Jessie.jpg.html][IMG]http://i74.photobucket.com/albums/i246/Bloodlut/24-Anime-girl-Jessie.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/hider] Stunningly piercing eyes, a warm friendly smile, flowing mahogany hair - these are just a few of the things her friends may have said about her before the incident. Teres had been frequently told that she was a little tall for a girl, coming in at about 6ft and being naturally quite thin and lithe - she used to be little conscientious about her height, but that was before she got older and 'filled out' to put it one way. Her height and lengthy legs now being more of a point of confidence she carried herself well, confident and happy. Now she has dark bags under her eyes and seems to have lost the spring in her step. It's quite astonishing really how much mental change can effect ones appearance, though it's evident in her current state that Teres is both sleep deprived and suffering a number of side effects from the new course of meds currently running through her system. [b]Personality:[/b] Teres is, or rather was a very carefree but focused girl. She seemed to have a relaxed and easygoing nature that others just liked and were naturally attracted to (for the most part anyway). She hardly argued with her friends or caused problems with anyone in authority, generally being liked by everyone who knew her. To her closest friends she was a little more open, joking and sometimes even rebellious in nature, but she always knew where to draw the line or cut her losses and apologise for whatever it was that she had done. It's not that she didn't have strong views or opinions, it was just that she never seemed to strongly feel the need to make others share in those views, always preferring to either just get along or avoid those individuals she clashed badly with. When she was younger she had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, always reading a history book or some magazine about some country across the globe - as she matured and grew into her late teens she developed more 'varied' interests, occasionally drinking or even smoking with her friends - though never anything too wild or out of control, she always knew when to say no or make up an excuse to leave. [b]Likes:[/b] Social events History and information TV series [b]Dislikes: [/b] Conflict/Confrontation Rude/aggressive/arrogant people Doctors [b]Sexuality: [/b] Straight (for the most part) [b]Bio: [/b] Teres was born during a terrible storm, the hospital even losing power as thunder cracked overhead and the wind raged fiercely. Unaware to her, her mother died giving birth to her leaving her father heartbroken and as he saw it 'alone'. He struck a bargain, the details of which are known only to him and the foul creature whom answered his pleas. Teres lived what she had always thought was a perfectly normal life, never seeming to notice how sometimes very rarely a person or two seemed to be terrified of her, or never really thinking about why it was that all cats seemed to hate her with a passion. Her family was pretty much an average well to do household (demonic pacts aside), Teres growing up as what her mother proudly had boasted a wonderful little girl. She excelled at school and had lots of friends, even continuing to do so at High school as she continued to get older. Her teenage years were a little rougher, though compared to most of her friends she was really quite tame and did little to get into any real trouble. "Such a beautiful young woman" had beamed her mother across the dinner table on the morning of her eighteenth birthday, neither of them noticing her father's brief frown as they ate their breakfasts in happy bliss of the events that would unfold later that day. Since then things have actually been pretty awful at home, her parents yelling and screaming at each other. She'd never seen her dad so angry as he had been then, never seen her mother more upset. It was almost like they believed it wasn't her fault, but still constantly fought about it. Of course she had no idea of the real reason behind her father's black mood. Hopefully things will go back to normal after she gets back from California. [/hider]