Instantly, Mithias knew what would happen. Roman had egregiously crossed the line, and now, he was about to suffer the consequences. If Mithias could have stopped it, he would have tried. Soldier had other, more official ways for dealing with insubordination. Nonetheless, even for a vampire, watching Bedivere man-handle Roman with such speed and grace was fascinating. Mithias furrowed his brow at the pinned Russian and reminded Bedivere of their agreement on Roman's behalf. "We've agreed to terms, Beivere. You cannot kill him." Mithias relaxed somewhat as he watched the old knight settle and return to pouring drinks. Of course Bedivere wouldn't kill him. The vampire was lawful, if not evil, and he already had what he wanted most out of this. Before she left, Mithias spoke to Ashley once more. "Ash, I need all of you to lay low. No expensive rescue missions on my behalf. Trust me. Bedivere's not going to kill me, or he would have done that by now, and I'm not going to let him convince me to leave Soldier. Go back to the States and give your report. I promise I will return in one piece." Other characters were still present in the darkened bar. Mithias scanned over them quickly, noting now more than one werewolf. It made sense there would be more than one. The lycans always ran with packamtes, of course, but what did their presence mean? Coming into a very populated human city must have an important meaning. Something interesting was going on here. Perhaps Bedivere would know something. Roman began to recover from his ordeal and staggered back, placing a hand over his mouth to discover the blood. He growled in frustration, but with Ashley's insistence, and a disapproving glare from Mithias, he relented, dragging Rin with him back to where Sonja and Kat were scheming at the van. Mithias touched the glass in his fingertips for a moment, then tried his drink. "Apologies for the mess, brother..."