[center][color=662d91][h3]~-Apep-~[/h3][/color] -Duat, Seat of the Serpent-[/center] Deep within the underground of Duat, resided that which would one day possibly bring destruction upon the world. Usually, the creature would duel with Ra every night, attempting to swallow him whole and absorb his power for his own. That was their relationship for the past several hundred, if not thousand years. Fighting, fighting, and more fighting. Not that the creature minded, really. That was his goal in life, after all. To bring utter destruction and chaos to the world. As such, he wasn't exactly a popular deity. In fact, he was actively worshiped against. Didn't matter. Chaos and destruction would reign for everyone and everything in the end. All he had to do was outlive the rest of the annoying gods and then watch as the world crumbled before him. Watch them fight among themselves, destroy each other. When they were tired from battle and at their weakest, he would strike and devour Ra along with the rest of the gods and drown the world in chaos himself. The humanoid figure sat upon his throne, resting his cheek against his fist as he rested. This human form of his, he didn't like so much, but he had grown used to it when he was raising his daughter. He had tried to refrain from showing her his actual form. As much as he liked to think his little Qel was immune to his abilities, she was a bit on the both ambitious and naive side. His chaotic heart was worried that one day she might get hurt. ...if that happened, then he dearly hoped whoever did it was prepared to be tortured in Duat for all of eternity, until he decided to end the world. The Chaos Serpent was brought out of his musing by a servant of his winding it's way up his leg. He regularly had his serpents keep tabs on Qel and inform him of her activities, among other things. [color=662d91]"Hmm...she intends to travel to the land to the north."[/color] He mused to himself, his somewhat apathetic voice resounding off of the halls of his cavernous home. He never bothered to fill his residence with much, aside from some recent additions in the last few years. He had to make sure Qel was comfortable, after all. [color=662d91]"Dangerous to travel to the land of the Romans and their so called gods."[/color] Indeed, it was. Her plan was probably to attempt to bring it down from the inside somehow. A good plan indeed, but one which also carried a lot of risks. If the other gods so much as learned of her presence among them, then that'd likely be it for her. ... His hand gripped the edge of his throne, breaking a piece of it off. [color=662d91]"Follow. Assist her, and if anything at all happens,"[/color] He looked at the piece of the throne he had broken off, tossing it into a nearby pool of water. A large serpent the size of the man leaped out of the water, swallowing it whole. [color=662d91]"....[i]end[/i] them."[/color] With that, the serpent left its master, and the serpent of chaos returned to his waiting for Ra to show himself traveling through Duat. Perhaps he might actually win today. [hr] [h3][color=0072bc][center]-The Earth shaker, Poseidon-[/center][/color][/h3] High upon mount Olympus, sat Poseidon. He was visiting as he usually did though it wasn't on any important business, really. At the moment all was peaceful in the realm, and none had slighted him so the god of the sea, was as peaceful as the calm seas. He wore a friendly smile upon his face as he walked the realm of the gods, trying to find something to entertain himself with. Perhaps a good drink! Or even a woman to sate his other thirst. Perhaps visit his wife, Amphitrite for a little fun. Whatever he did, for now, he'd just enjoy the relative peace. The barbarians to the south and north were behaving themselves, so he'd relax today and return to his civic duties tomorrow. To the sea, then! Neptune rose from his seat, and in an instant he was standing on the shore just outside of Athens, taking the form of a less impressive mortal. Now, where should he look for his bit of fun? [hr] [color=a187be][center][h3]~Qelhatat Apophka~[/h3][/center][/color] [i][color=9e0b0f]'Clearly then girl you know nothing of war if you think striking from a distance to be cowardice'[/color][/i] Qel turned her head to the new voice, another soldier from the looks of things. Something...was different about him, however. He carried an air of danger about him. Something that made her think that this was probably a much more dangerous game she had just gotten involved in. How fun! Perhaps he might make this a little interesting, then! He was definitely a little angry, though. [i][color=9e0b0f]'It is a foolish man who fights in melee without attacking at range first'[/color][/i] True true! Incredibly logical. She hated close fighting herself, since she wasn't incredibly good at it. Following that logic, though, wouldn't it be better to avoid open conflicts at all? She kept her mouth shut, however, and continued listening to the man. [i][color=9e0b0f]'Hit a man with one of these before he gets close enough to hit you and even if you don't kill him you've got the advantage. Mighty Jupiter clearly understands the same logic that any soldier does.'[/color][/i] Jupiter? Was that his name? Hmm...what a funny name. She had to resist giggling at that. But then again, all these Romans had funny names to her. At least the ones she heard in her studies were funny. [color=a187be]"True, true!"[/color] She replied to the soldier, giving him a smile. [color=a187be]"Weaken the enemy first and then attack them. That's basic strategy, isn't it?~"[/color] She giggled, her voice sounding a little condescending despite agreeing with him. This was going slightly better than she expected, wasn't it? [color=a187be]"I guess that's how you Romans defeated us, isn't it?"[/color] Her smile slowly turned into a twisted grin, full of nothing but hatred as she looked up at the soldier. [color=a187be]"After all, you're nothing but tools to your idiot gods, aren't you? They care nothing about you and sent you to fight their battles. Nothing but idiot tools for idiot gods who care nothing about you~"[/color] she finished with a giggle. Her goal here was obvious. To rile them up, make them angry. Perhaps a bit of a short sighted goal, but a goal nonetheless. A little bit of anger and hatred were easy for her to use. Especially if she could incite some discord among the ranks of his own soldiers. Like say...having a serpent crawl silently up one of the soldiers next to him. Through their entire conversation it had been slowly crawling up the soldiers armor, making it's way to his neck. It's goal was simple. Bite the soldier, and kill him with it's venom. If, by chance, Decimus struck her with the intent to kill, she'd simply scurry away using the shadows, and watch from a distance. It would probably work, since he wasn't expecting such an action from a child like her. [@Karos][@LadyRunic]