[hider=Nyla Fronnz][center][h3][b][color=black]~ Nyla Fronnz ~[/color][/b][/h3][URL=http://s1380.photobucket.com/user/bikkuriyo1/media/Anime/captain_earth-33_zps3ofr4psy.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1380.photobucket.com/albums/ah197/bikkuriyo1/Anime/captain_earth-33_zps3ofr4psy.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [color=black][b]Name:[/b][/color] [indent][i][color=tan]Nyla Fronnz[/color][/i][/indent] [color=black][b]Age:[/b][/color] [indent][i][color=tan]Twenty. (20)[/color][/i][/indent] [color=Black][b]Gender:[/b][/color] [indent][i][color=tan]Female.[/color][/i][/indent] [color=Black][b]Race:[/b][/color] [indent][i][color=tan]Human.[/color][/i][/indent] [hr] [center][hider][URL=http://s1380.photobucket.com/user/bikkuriyo1/media/Anime/captain_earth-22_zpsckb1bwwp.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1380.photobucket.com/albums/ah197/bikkuriyo1/Anime/captain_earth-22_zpsckb1bwwp.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider][/center] [hr] [color=Black][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [indent][i][color=tan]Nyla is a ditz. She is constantly tripping over something or blurting out something stupid without realizing it. A lot of people think she is quite dim-witted. And they would not be wrong. She can be convinced of just about anything. The moon is made of cheese? She might deny it for a bit, but in her head she will be considering its validity. If the subject is pushed she will eventually cave and believe you until proven otherwise. But beyond that she is a sweet carefree girl. Fiercely loving and loyal to a fault. The poor girl has no sense of personal space or appropriate behavior in public. She has no problem loving up on someone for any reason no matter the circumstances.[/color][/i][/indent] [hr] [center][hider][URL=http://s1380.photobucket.com/user/bikkuriyo1/media/Anime/1418362729956_zpscm2gjqni.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1380.photobucket.com/albums/ah197/bikkuriyo1/Anime/1418362729956_zpscm2gjqni.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider][/center] [hr] [color=Black][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [indent][i][color=tan]Nyla is a support class mage. She uses holy energy to bolster her allies and heal injuries. She has little to no offensive ability. Despite her ditzy disposition while her abilities are needed she finds a way to harness enough focus to be an asset to any party she is in.[/color][/i][/indent] [color=tan][i][list][*][b]Healing Light[/b] ~ This was the first ever spell she was taught. It's rather basic, for holy magic, but difficult to perfect. Nyla is nowhere near a master, but she is proficient. How is ability works is by constantly channeling restorative energy into her hands which emit a radiant light. While her hands are hovering over an injury the energy will begin to seep into the injured individuals body and help it heal the wound. Though this does take a bit of time it is much faster than healing on their own. [*][b]Transfer Pain[/b] ~ This supportive spell is cast on a target. This cannot be cast on herself. The target's pain receptors are dampened and the pain is then transferred and taken into Nyla. Nyla won't take the actually damage, simply transfer the pain to herself. Though this causes no physical damage to her it is pain to different degrees depending on what level of pain she is taking. This ability also requires a tremendous amount of focus. If the strain becomes to much she could possibly faint and the target would then begin to feel the pain once again. [*][b]Shimmer[/b] ~ Nyla emits a bright light from her body in all directions. Anyone looking her direction would become disoriented and blind for a few seconds. Eventually with practice Nyla will be able to shoot this blinding light directionally. Maybe even some day using it as an offensive tool. [*][b]Sooth[/b] ~ Nyla is actually able to calm a frantic mind. Either soothing anxiety or fear, etc and bring them to a calmer state. With more practice she will be able to calm wild animals. [*][b]Over Drive[/b] ~ One of Nyla's my powerful skills. Nyla is required to get into a meditative state and focus all her thoughts to one target. Doing this bolsters her targets physical and magical capabilities. Making the target faster, stronger, more intelligent, produce stronger magic. They simply become the best versions of what they are capable of. This only lasts as long as Nyla remains conscious and channeling. During this state Nyla has no cognition of her surroundings. Her one and only focus is on the target she is blessing. This ability puts tremendous strain on Nyla and she can't keep it active longer then a few minutes. Any longer she is at risk of passing out or worse.[/list][/i][/color] [color=Black][b]Notable Equipment:[/b][/color] [indent][i][color=tan]She has a pet squirrel she affectionately named Kuzie. She is rarely seen without him, and when Kuzie is not seen it probably means he's sleeping in one of her pockets. Nyla believes that Kuzie is her guardian angel. There to watch over her. She is very protective of Kuzie.[/color][/i][/indent] [b][color=Black]Traits:[/color][/b] [indent][i][color=tan]While in combat Nyla seems to have an uncanny knack for avoiding danger; unceremoniously. Nyla also seems to have rather high stamina. Able to take quite a bit of damage and still able to stand. High constitution and spirit.[/color][/i][/indent] [hr] [center][hider][URL=http://s1380.photobucket.com/user/bikkuriyo1/media/Anime/Captain_Earth_Wiki_-_Character_-_Hana_Mutou_-_Skills_amp_Abilities_-_Orgone_Energy_Manipulation_zpsigikahnj.gif.html][IMG]http://i1380.photobucket.com/albums/ah197/bikkuriyo1/Anime/Captain_Earth_Wiki_-_Character_-_Hana_Mutou_-_Skills_amp_Abilities_-_Orgone_Energy_Manipulation_zpsigikahnj.gif[/IMG][/URL][/hider][/center] [hr] [color=Black][b]History:[/b][/color] [indent][i][color=tan]Nyla was born an Orphan in a church. She grew up with many other children of varied ages. She was constantly teased by the children her age for being dumb. She was constantly tripping over herself and covering herself in bruises and scrapes. But it seemed nothing could tarnish the girls sweet spirit. She was always still sweet and kind to everyone. Given the environment she spent most of her time with the Priestess'. Watching them in awe. How their magic was so pretty and magical. For a time longer than she cares to admit she believed they were angels of some kind. Blessed creatures sent to this world to shine a bright, beautiful light on its dark corners. This was the main reason she followed their example. Nyla, while alone at night, could always be seen hiding off somewhere and trying to mimic the Priestess'. Doing as they did over and over until she got it right. Even though it never produced anything magical as she never learned how to properly harness any sort of power. Despite Nyla's attempt at secrecy a Priestess took notice of her. For a while the Priestess simply watched in silence. Joyed by the young Nyla's purity and innocence. But eventually the Priestess decided if Nyla was this serious about learning she might as well learn correctly. To Nyla's surprise the Priestess came to her during her nightly practice sessions. She was embarrassed but it was soon squashed with excitement upon hearing the news. She was going to learn! For real! No longer her fruitless attempts. But to actually learn from a Priestess. Nyla eagerly agreed. Nyla's klutzy nature was no asset in her learning. It took her much longer to simply learn the basics. But no matter what she tried. Harder than any other. She put everything she had into her training. She was tireless and unwavering. Every free moment she spent learning and adapting. It took time but eventually Nyla learned and she became rather accomplished. Upon her eighteenth birthday she was a free citizen. Given the option to stay in the church she declined. She wanted to travel. She wanted to go around the world and help those in need. And that's exactly what she did. She hasn't been back to see her Master yet. But she thinks of her constantly.[/color][/i][/indent] [color=Black][b]Other:[/b][/color] [sup][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTyN-DB_v5M]Theme Song.[/url][/sup][/hider] [center][sup][color=Silver]Group RP [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/93352-splendor-and-stupidity-a-konosuba-inspired-rp-were-live-guys/ooc]Splendor and Stupidity.[/url][/color][/sup][/center]