[h1][center][color=orangered]Bes'eshe Sethokpara[/color][/center][/h1] Grey-green eyes gleam in welcome as Bes'eshe gives a soft smile up to the God of the Red Sands. [color=orangered]"Well enough, Papa. Though, I grow sick at the sight of Romans."[/color] Set looked as he always did. A air of threatening and deadly power, and ridiculously tall compared to her five feet three inches. Moving to stand she looks to the statues, [color=orangered]'How long must the Gods wait in the shadows like Apep?'[/color] Dusting the sand from her shendyt and robe, Bes'eshe raised a brow at the God as she turned to walk towards the alley leading to the street. The air was not dry, not like the desert she knew so well that laid beyond the great walls of the city. The sea brought a cool breeze that gave relief and was most likely the reason the Romans here were able to stand the Egyptian sun. Glaring unhappily at the sound of Latin chatter, the sand about her stirring. Her hand fisted slowly, knuckles whitening as she headed towards the street. [color=orangered]"Are you coming? If I stay here someone's liable to get angry about me worshiping [i]'fallen'[/i] Gods."[/color] She sighed and closes her eyes walking into the street as a the booted feet she heard pass by. Reopening them after they passed she glanced back with another raised brow at Set, one hand on her hip. [h1][center][color=black]The Morrigahn[/color][/center][/h1] [color=black]"Dagda!"[/color] The Morrigahn called sharply as she appeared within the ancient Scottish forest. The great trees rising above her hands as the moss beneath felt like carpet. The steady sunlight falling in beams through the canopy and brush gave a peaceful feel to the forest. [color=black]'Dagda! The Romans are becoming a nuisance and encroaching on the Pict! I have my priests calling together warriors to drive them from our shores.'[/color] The Phantom Queen's features were etched with annoyance. [color=black]"How could human stupidity cause such damage to our dear people?"[/color] She looked about, a crow calling in the far off distance. War was coming, fast as the crows fled the storm. And she was bringing storm and war. Her heart tugged at the thought of her people torn by the coming battle. But it would bring her power, more than she had seen in the more recent years.