Ariel awoke with a yawn and a stretch before looking around. Then it hit her. Where was she? What happened to her? The last thing she could remember was riding her bike before... something... What happened? She looked down to see herself in a hospital-like gown. In a swift moment, she pulled it off and shifted, thinking whoever had brought her here would be confused to find a husky instead of their patient, especially an angry one. As soon at the door opened, though, she growled, barked and ran, hoping to make a break for it. She didn't know where she was or what had happened but she wasn't going to stay and let them test on her. She ran until she escaped or was caught. If she were to escape, she would try to find someone to hide behind, not trusting the people from the building. If she was caught, she would growl and bark, trying to get free. She wanted to change back but not while she was still naked. She needed her clothes.