[center][h3][color=slateblue][b]Claire[/b][/color][/h3][/center] "Oh! And he's just so nice and well mannered too, such a sweet guy! I think you'll like him a lot!" Claire smiled and nodded while rolling her eyes simultaneously, [color=slateblue]"Yeah but Mom...Chris isn't really my type anyways. He's too...I don't know...too wild for me and whenever he sneezes, he sounds like an elephant. Besides, doesn't he have a girlfriend right now, at least as far as I know he has one?"[/color] It was 7 AM the next day and Claire found herself video chatting with her mom like they always did every couple of weeks. Today just happened to be early because her mother had picked up another job and this was one of the few times she was available. "Oh well, y'know...Chris told me that the girl...Alicia was her name I think. Yeah, they just fell apart and it was only a couple of weeks ago they split and went their separate ways! Well he saw me and your brother at the store the other day and he asked about you and if you were doing okay." [color=slateblue]"Yeah, he and I were classmates in high school, er- sophomore year. He was okay...would always ask the weirdest questions though and he got kinda close like, in my personal bubble sometimes. I didn't want to be mean to him or anything because he didn't have any friends so I just talked to him in class. But Mom...no, I wouldn't be interested to go out and date him or talk to him."[/color] "Oh my goodness! I-I wasn't even going to ask that!" Claire giggled, [color=slateblue]"Ah but c'mon Mom! I knew you were going to! That's the only time you'd talk about guys like this! It happens everytime! Jeez... [i]'Oh Claire, you should meet him, he's such a hunk! Oh, honey, this guy is so polite! You should totes go talk to him!'[/i]. Besides, I think Chris will get back with her anyways!"[/color] "Well, sue me for trying to help you!" Claire smiled at the monitor, [color=slateblue]"Yeah...thank you though...I know they're nice people but, Mom, I want to do this on my own - it feels more real to me that way, I'm making the effort to go up to them and say 'I'm interested in you' or 'let's get to know each other'. You know...I thought about one, he's actually kinda nice! Um, I just need to get to know him...and maybe~," [/color]she shrugged,[color=slateblue] "we'll see how everything goes."[/color] Her mom nodded, "Of course honey, take your time. Well I've gotta get to work! I'm available again next monday if you want to talk again." [color=slateblue]"Sure!"[/color] "Bye! I love you!" [color=slateblue]"Love you too."[/color] -click- Claire leaned back in her chair and sighed. Looks like her mom was at it trying to find her potential boyfriends or encourage her to talk to guys she thought was suitable for her daughter. She glanced at her light-blue-duck-pajama-clad-self in the mirror and stared at the dark circles under her eyes, thinking about the few hours of sleep she had gotten. She felt anxious and stressed from yesterday, a lot had happened and her world had rapidly changed with the events that had transpired. The whole day felt like a blur and it seemed she had trouble recalling some of it, as if she hadn't really been there and she felt as if she had missed a lot. The biggest thing she could recall was helping Sam out, clashing personalities, and then finally they had all exchanged banter as well numbers and left, their contact lists larger and minds in deep thought. There was also the odd dream she had last night and she thought of asking someone else about it later on. Although, the conversation with her mom had helped perked her spirits up and lightened her mood. It made her feel [i]normal[/i] as if nothing had happened, even if the feeling did just last for a moment, and Claire felt that this would be the key to help her live through this ordeal and come out relatively fine in the end. [color=slateblue][i]How about some coffee?[/i][/color] she asked herself, pulling out her phone. Was Leo working this morning? Did he have her number saved? Maybe he could help her with her daily ritual of enjoying some caffeinated goodness! She started texting him... [@Cubix][color=slateblue][b] "Leo...we have a dire emergency... >.> <.< I'm a zombie D:"[/b][/color] [b][i]*SNAP!*[/i][/b] She took a "selfie" of her tired face and sent it to him. [color=slateblue][b] [i]"SEE? THIS IS NOT A JOKE! I NEED YOUR HELP! I NEED COFFEE PLS OR ELSE I"M GOING TO EAT YOUR BRAINS. I KNOW YOU"RE WORKING THIS MORNING!![/i] Google says you're open for business this morning. Google doesn't lie! >.< I'll swing by in 30 minutes! I'd like a white chocolate mocha, grande, extra shot of espresso and make it hot please~!"[/b][/color] [color=slateblue]"There~!"[/color] She chirped,[color=slateblue]"hopefully he gets my text and isn't too busy this morning."[/color]