[h2][center][color=ec008c]Emiliano Sebastiano Parisi[/color][/center][/h2] As he stalked rather aimlessly through the forest, Emiliano pondered what [b]exactly[/b] he was trying to do. He decided that finding and helping Senna and that prick Clay was the best choice... besides Clay's face had a rifle butt coming to it after the hunt, which was far easier to do if he knew his location. It was then he found the tracks, far to large to be regular wolves and with the wrong gait... werewolves. He started to follow them, becoming worried at the sheer number of prints he found. It seemed a rather large pack was running and hunting in these woods, and he could see a larger print here and there, meaning they had a... rather terrifyingly large alpha... that was when he heard them. It sounded like combat... shouts, steel and screams. He stalked slowly toward the growing sounds of combat drawing his musket slowly as he stalked through the brush. Werewolves? Silver, right, he brought a vial up, powdered silver in it, he shook it slightly before saying a little prayer and dousing himself with a bit it in case a werewolf decided to get close. As he closed in he realized the wolves were fighting with... someone. The large number of were-bastards were circling and attacking and being thrown back in a pattern... trying to wear down their pray. Emiliano wanted a betteer look, carefully and quietly he climbed up a tree, praying he wasn't heard as he reached a high and thick branch. He turned and was not at all happy with the sight that greeted him. Well, he had found Clay and Senna... Senna looked fucked up. She was bleeding andd even from this distance he could see she had a broken bone or two... or more. Clay was trying to protect her, along With that other woman hunter. Fenros was... talking to the Alpha? Whatever he was saying seemed to be effecting it... and Emiliano didn't want to possibly interrupt him, besides the lesser wolves needed thinning out, something a sniper was quite useful for. He shouldered his musket, taking aim and trying to decide which wolf to hit with one of his silver bullets. It was then one charged an opening towards Senna, perfect. As it charged he aimed, and with precision lead his shot [i]ever so slightly[/i], catching the beast i the head. The silver bullet tore through its skull, turning its brains to an ashen splatter all over the ground. The beast tumbled forward, coming to stop in front of the other hunter. Emiliano quickly began the much practised reload, hoping he'd have another shot ready in case the wolves turned to come for him.