[h3][color=a187be][center]~Qelhatat Apophka~[/center][/color][/h3] Was that it? Was that [i]it?[/i] Qel blinked, her eyes briefly taking a serpentine appearance as she watched the Romans trot off. That was boring. Utterly boring and useless. It made her a little bit angry. She had half a mind to kill them on the spot, but that wouldn't achieve anything. A small hiss escaped from her throat as she turned towards the snake that ignorant man had skewered. How dare he kill one of her fathers creatures? She offered a small prayer for the serpent, a small sense of regret forming in her stomach. That one had been with her since she had made it to Alexandria. She had saved it from some ignorant Egyptians attempting to kill it. Well, that was that though. No sense in dwelling on it. Instead, as the Romans left, the girl turned to face them once again. She grabbed her staff, slamming the butt of it into the ground as she shouted out to the legionnaires. [color=a187be]"Be happy now, cowards! Enjoy your rule! Numbers and discipline matter little before the might of the gods of Egypt! You and your hideous gods will bow before our might! Soon, one of these days, you will all tremble in fear and beg for your lives as your useless gods are killed!"[/color] Unfortunately her declaration seemed to fall on deaf, roman ears, for they had already left. Bah. That hadn't been any fun at all, but at least she got the last word in. At least maybe some more of the more faithful to the gods would have heard. Perhaps this would be useful in gaining a few allies before setting off for the Romans homeland. It certainly would be advantageous to have a few instead of going herself. She doubted any of the people in the roman mainland would be so easy to convince. She was just about to leave the street herself, when she noticed two people stepping out into the street. She was fairly certain that was a place of worship for the gods of Egypt. She...well, wasn't exactly welcome in such places but she could at least have a little fun with this woman who was coming out of it. So, Qel approached Bes'eshe. [color=a187be]"Hello!~"[/color] She cheerfully greeted. [color=a187be]"I was wondering-"[/color] It was then, she noted a man who was with her. She'd recognize that man anywhere. Her father had described him quite perfectly. [color=a187be]"Oh. It's Set. You're set right?"[/color] She said, her voice turning to a tone of disdain. [color=a187be]"Well...I can't exactly be picky with my allies, now can I?"[/color] She sighed, as a snake started winding it's way up her leg. [color=a187be]"So. Let me ask a question: You guys wanna go watch those Romans homeland burn? I'll even overlook Set's crimes against my father if you do! Aren't I nice?~"[/color] The snake had by now, wound its way up to her neck, resting as though it was a necklace around as it observed Bes'eshe and Set. [hr] [color=0072bc][center][h3]~Poseidon~[/h3][/center][/color] As soon as he appeared, the tides of the ocean rose ever so slightly, welcoming the presence of their ruler. His feet sunk into the wet sand as he gazed out into the ocean. Perhaps he'd go visit Athens, see how well Athena was running the place without him, though he knew such a thing was useless. Besides, he was almost as important as she was in the city, and had no qualms about being second. His anger at losing their contest had long since subsided for the most part, though he would always likely hold a grudge over the loss. [color=f49ac2]"Well hello. You here to reminisce something that could have been but never was?"[/color] [color=0072bc]"Hmph. An old grudge, but a grudge nonetheless,"[/color] Poseidon gruffly replied to Aphrodite. He recognized her almost immediately without having to even turn his head. [color=0072bc]"Besides, I showed them my fury and they show me the respect I deserve, so I cannot stay all that upset with them."[/color] He chuckled as he turned his head towards his niece. He had flooded the entire city with water from the sea until they had agreed to make him a major part of the city as well. [color=0072bc]"I was thinking about paying it a visit though. Those barbarians to the north and south are not a problem for me and aside from watching over the cities and ports, I've little to do."[/color] [color=0072bc]"But with you here,"[/color] He said. [color=0072bc]"I can think of several things I can do."[/color] He took a few steps towards Aphrodite, it was probably quite obvious what Poseidon wanted. Aphrodite was a beauty, after all, and it appeared they both had nothing better to do, so why not spend a little...time together? [@Queentze][@Karos]