[hider=Raguel][center][img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Raguelsmall.gif[/img] [img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Untitled-3.png[/img] [sup][b][color=#7083db]Archangel[/color][/b][/sup] [/center][hr][center][h2][color=#7083db][u]Basic Information[/u][/color][/h2][/center] [color=#7083db][b]| Name |[/b][/color] [indent]Raguel, goes by Ryan Croft– Raguel didn’t exactly stay hip.[/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| Date of Birth |[/b][/color] [indent]Yes[/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| Gender |[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| Sexuality |[/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| Occupation |[/b][/color] [indent]“Well the good book says I should be focused on delivering God’s justice, but I think working as the Commissioner will have to do.”[/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| In-Depth Appearance |[/b][/color] [indent]Ryan Croft does not look like what you would think a Commissioner would look like. While he is rather tall standing at 6’2 and does possess quite a bit of muscle mass, he has soft eyes. Wears large horn rimmed glasses, often wearing a form fitting T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants, even to the office. He keeps a refined beard that hides a rather striking jawline and simply gels his hair upwards in order to keep it looking half respectable. His voice has a certain, steel toed boots on gravel at six in the morning, sort of aspect to it. He claims to have been raised on a farm and his hands have callouses to match that. He is very rarely found without his signature green camping mug. What it contains depends on the hour. Sometimes its tea, often times it’s an Irish coffee. He possess a rather strong American accent, though he claims he only lived there for a few years of his life. His body is immaculate, sporting no tattoos or other notable markings, which is something else that is rather strange about a Commissioner who rose through the ranks in seemingly under a decade of police work. But he gets results like no other. Ryan also works out like it’s a full time job, though just simple exercises nothing using machines. He looks as though he is in peak physical form, as an Archangel he is obviously at the peak of physical strength and speed among even supernatural creatures. [/indent] [hr][center][color=#7083db][h2][u]Who Am I?[/u][/h2][/color] [img] http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Raguel-3-small-speed.gif [/img][/center] [color=#7083db][b]| Personality |[/b][/color] [center][u]♦ Laid Back ♦ Kind ♦ Touchy ♦ Workaholic ♦[/u][/center] [indent]“Well, I suppose you could say I’m laid back, ‘specially for an angel. I don’t tend to hate people for what they do, and I mean hey – even if the good book was telling the absolute truth my duties would only really involve the guys who [i]actually[/i] fucked up. But whether or not it actually is all true… I don’t really know to be honest with ya. I’ve been playing it by ear since fire or so, when y’all figured out how to do that I kind of just tossed the rule book and since then I don’t really know what to tell ya. Police Commissioner has been an easy fit so far, got some good men and women on the force.” Raguel in more recent centuries has truly become, Ryan. He barely answers to his older name anymore and could care less about the notion of sin corrupting. When you have a hard time remembering whether you were there for it all or nothing whatsoever, you tend to let go of who wants to bang who. Such inaccuracies in Ryan’s life has lead him to become solely obsessed with man. Specific people often peak his interest, those who have imagination, life brimming out of their eyes, those who want to do right by the world. He tends to like them the most. They remind him a little of Angels. He however has a rather small patience for those who seem to him to be taking advantage of others. At least, knowingly. Drug dealers, serial assailants, abusers, etc. They often times have rather hard dealings with Commissioner Croft, especially those who target children. He tends to be in favor of those who do bad things for the right reasons but it’s more or less a case-by-case basis for the grey areas of Edgetoun. Ryan also keeps a dossier with everyone who he has met in his home. He begins building a file on each and every person over the age of ten years old. While he doesn’t really [i]investigate[/i] them he does assign them a codename and begins to pick up details, multitasking comes easy to him. [/indent] [center][img] http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Raguel-smaller2.gif[/img][/center] [color=#7083db][b]| Likes & Dislikes |[/b][/color] [indent] [color=008800]✔[/color] Kids (innocence in general) [color=008800]✔[/color] Old Scotch [color=008800]✔[/color] Music [color=008800]✔[/color] Old Churches [color=008800]✔[/color] Taking Risks [color=008800]✔[/color] Naps [color=008800]✔[/color] Comfy Clothing [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Putting himself out there [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Silence [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Being emotive [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Loss [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Wasted Opportunity [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Coffee [color=FF0000]✘[/color] Feeling as alone as he does [/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| History |[/b][/color] [center][img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Raguel-4-smaller.gif [/img][/center] [indent]”Where there is man, there is injustice and a need for the opposite.” That was a sentence that dates back before Raguel managed to set himself upon the world of men. There were multiple times in his existence in which he had doubted it, perhaps even grown tired of it. But he couldn’t forget that sentence. But as clear as that sentence had made itself, as clearly as he was able to recall those thirteen magic words, the rest was indescribable. He couldn’t explain his inception, early life – even if he wanted to. Somehow he knew exactly what it was like and equally knew nothing about it. He couldn’t describe it, but it didn’t keep him wondering at night. Truly he was alone in his thoughts. Given the current situation, one might assume that Raguel would want to out himself as an Archangel, give the world’s crisis right now. Yet, he’s found himself unequivocally determined to let humanity sort this problem out. While he has deemed it potentially a necessity to put a strong hand on the lower back of certain townships – like for example Edgetoun. But he has no desire to be a leader of people. This desire to stay in the background of the movements only came about recently. Before the past decade or so, Ryan had been living on a farm – not really doing much of anything really. But once this talk of the ‘other’ started popping up. Well, maybe humanity needed an Archangel in their corner, but as unfortunate as it sounds… Ryan thought they more than likely did not. In fact, he figured that it was likely they need an Archangel to stop them from ending up on the wrong side of a war, or history. Thusly, Commissioner Croft of the Edgetoun Police Force. Ryan had once known a man who defined people like them as janitors. Almighty cosmic Janitors, but Janitors all the same. He wasn’t so sure that he agreed. Ryan viewed himself more or less as… Humanities safety-net. Should humanity fall in some spectacular way he would attempt to make sure they didn’t hit the bottom. But… When you cast a wide net, often times some slip through. .[/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| Family |[/b][/color] [indent]He really wishes, but no.[/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| Strengths |[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Personable to an extreme [*] Spots a lie at about 300 yards [*] Observant to the near-molecular level [/list] [/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| Weaknesses |[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] For an Archangel, he sure does wear his vices on his collar (drinking, smoking, sex, etc). [*] Emotionally stunted. [*] His mood ranges from upset to caring too much. [/list][/indent] [hr][center][color=#7083db][h2][u]The Other[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=#7083db][b]| Theme Song |[/b][/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92XVwY54h5k&ab_channel=FueledByRamen]Car Radio – twenty one pilots[/url] [sub]” I ponder of something terrifying 'Cause this time there's no sound to hide behind I find over the course of our human existence One thing consists of consistence And it's that we're all battling fear Oh dear, I don't know if we know why we're here Oh my, Too deep Please stop thinking I liked it better when my car had sound.”[/sub][/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| House Number |[/b][/color] [indent]?[/indent] [color=#7083db][b]| Extra Information |[/b][/color] [indent]"Deliverer of justice may not sound all that intimidating. But I've got 'deliverer of vengeance' tacked onto the ol' title too."[/indent][/hider] [hider=(Ryan's) Relationships] [center][h1][color=#7083db]Ryan Croft[/color][/h1] [img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Raguelsmall.gif [/img][/center] [center][color=4169E1][b][u]Blake Preston[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s powerful. Might be a young kid, but she’s got the eyes of many."[/i][/center] Case File: Bprez Description: Powerful, sways the influence of the next generation, highly important to preventing this crisis from getting out of hand. [center][color=91c5ab][b][u]Daniel Belson[/u][/b][/color] [i]"He’s a strange young man, but I don’t think he’s really making a bad name, has a respectable job."[/i][/center] Case File: Devil with a Bottle Description: Pretty good about fake ID’s. Relatively clean from what I can tell, will gather further details. Lives with a half cop, should be relatively clean or the cop is relatively dirty, hard to say. [center][color=f9d66c][b][u]Alistair Queen[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Owns the bar and a lot of other land around town."[/i][/center] Case File: Queen’s Gambit Description: Unsure of what the gambit is yet, but working to find out. [center][color=thistle][b][u]Mariska Costas[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s a singer, yeah? The one with the good voice."[/i][/center] Case File: Sing Song Description: She seems rather emotional, impulsive too. If I’m right and she’s an other – that’s dangerous. [center][color=plum][b][u]Nikita Yankovsky[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s a cop, but the first time I met her I thought she was one of them people you’d hire for a bachelor party. Well now I’m her boss and that’s not her."[/i][/center] Case File: Dirty Cop Description: She’s got confidence for days. I’d rather have her working for the force then against it, and she’s got talent. No worries with her for now. [center][color=6ecff6][b][u]Mordred Hame[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Not too sure about that one."[/i][/center] Case File: Nirvana Description: He’s a musician and I’m pretty sure a demon. That can be influential, watching him. [center][color=92A9A7][b][u]John Taylor[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Someone needs to get that kid a burger.[/i][/center] Case File: Hungry Like the Wolf Description: I know he’s hungry I’ve seen the look in his eyes. I just don’t what he’s hungry [i]for[/i]. [center][color=#2f556b][b][u]Eve Lumière[/u][/b][/color] [i]"The other bartender at Queen’s place."[/i][/center] Case File: Lust Demon Description: She’s a lust demon, there’s no two ways about it. But she seems to play by human rules. Still investigating her serving minors. [center][color=wheat][b][u]Catharine Reid[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Quite the smile she’s got."[/i][/center] Case File: Universal Remote Description: She likes to be in control. Noticed the fangs the first time I met her, I tend to tell from where the rest of the teeth are, small things you get used to. [center][color=f26522][b][u]Opallum[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Say what you will about societies treatment of the homeless but as far as I’m concerned he has little pull here."[/i][/center] Case File: Vagabond Description: He’s homeless and as such any violent crime he may commit as an other shouldn’t be too bad. I’m still watching him though, he may represent the lower class to many one day. [center][color=#ff8d00][b][u]Andrew Mordekai[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Kid’s harmless, really."[/i][/center] Case File: Kitten Description: He’s a witch, but nothing frightening so far. Will keep tabs. So far no claws. [center][color=yellowgreen][b][u]Suriel White[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I’m not concerned."[/i][/center] Case File: Joan of Arc Description: A natural born healer, not worried about her. An angel. [center][color=f2f3f4][b][u]Miles Catrose[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Some fun here and there, has a job – good for him."[/i][/center] Case File: Pixie Cut Description: I haven’t seen anything so far to be worried of. [center][color=baa880][b][u]Yukiko Abe[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Yeah, I know."[/i][/center] Case File: 777 Description: May be one of the more powerful residents of this whole town, resonates off of her like a bad smell. Keeping tabs. So far so good, she’s raising a vampire. [center][color=a4d1cf][b][u]Mona[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s a floater."[/i][/center] Case File: Whispers on the wind Description: She’s not into law enforcement but I don’t think she’s got the cajones to pull anything radical. [center][color=a392b2][b][u]Faron Romane[/u][/b][/color] [i]"He seems rather open, honest, a good young man."[/i][/center] Case File: Gemstone Description: No worries here, first time I met him I got the rub that he doesn’t have a malignant bone in his body. [center][color=khaki][b][u]Nicolas Black[/u][/b][/color] [i]"One of my best officer’s, he’s a good man I’d give him a lot of leeway."[/i][/center] Case File: Serious Black Description: I’m telling it straight. He’s a good man and a good cop. [center][color=BDB76B][b][u]Maggie Spencer-Adyemi[/u][/b][/color] [i]"What your character will say out loud about them."[/i][/center] Write what they actually think about this character here. [center][color=FF8C00][b][u]Megumi[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s seven"[/i][/center] Maybe she’s eight. I’m sure she’s adorable. [center][color=red][b][u]Stefani Roche[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s young, she’s got those eyes too."[/i][/center] Case File: Twilight Description: She’s young and she’s killed. She has shoulders that rise too high when she breathes, glances to the left, and hides her teeth. Yet, Yukiko took her in and she’s seemed alright for now. The case file is buried so it shouldn’t come up against her while I’m in office. [center][color=3247BA][b][u]Katharine Haynes[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She seems alright, not much going on."[/i][/center] Case File: N/A Description: Not available [center][color=goldenrod][b][u]Ari Amari[/u][/b][/color] [i]"He’s a cat lover, I fancy cats."[/i][/center] Case File: Old Spirit Description: He’s got eyes that stare for a thousand yards, reminds me of myself a little bit – if for no other reason than you can see him blink as the minutes go by. Experienced a bit too much time, I reckon he doesn’t even know when he was born. [center][color=e5748b][b][u]Felix Underwood[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Yeah she’s quite the confident one, at the very least in her own opinion."[/i][/center] Case File: Librarian Description: Other than the fact that she’s nearly as tall as me, I haven’t noticed anything outside of the ordinary with this one. [center][color=B0C4DE][b][u]Elise Callaghan[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s used to people following her with their gaze, might’ve taken her back a bit when I didn’t."[/i][/center] Case File: Mut/se Description: She’s a violinist and her disinterest in life definitely argues the point that she could be an other. I’ve noticed the way people look at her, they’re drawn to her. [center][b][u]Claire O'Malley[/u][/b] [i]"Haven’t met her."[/i][/center] Case File: N/A Description: Not available [center][color=00aeef][b][u]Barachiel Alexander Eamon[/u][/b][/color] [i]"’Nice kid."[/i][/center] Case File: Third Person Description: An angel doing good work, no complaints. [center][color=00FF7F][b][u]Ethan Cooper[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Kid’s gonna be a doctor. We need more of ‘em."[/i][/center] Case File: Cooper’s Anatomy Description: He’s living with the half cop and the bartender, hopefully he keeps them in check. [center][color=mediumseagreen][b][u]Alfie Liau[/u][/b][/color] [i]"He’s got a nice smile."[/i][/center] Case File: Nosferatu Jr. Description: Vampire, no huge offenses just yet. [center][color=5b83d8][b][u]Astrid Kitchener[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s the daughter of one of my men. He’s been tough about this whole situation but from what I know she’s been trying to change his mind."[/i][/center] Case File: Angel on the Shoulder Description: She’s gonna be a powerful force in helping me get the police force on one side. I should talk to her about that. [center][color=76bae0][b][u]Michael[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Hm?"[/i][/center] I see it’s as bad as I thought it was if he’s here. [center][color=#49ad79][b][u]Aila Atleo[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s a secretary down at the station but she wants more responsibilities."[/i][/center] Case File: Wolf Pup Description: I’ve investigated this one thoroughly. From a pack in Canada, former Epsilon – was at the top of my list for necessary eliminations. But she’s been fine since she moved here. Convinced her to work at the station. May ask her to step up to detective, maybe put her with Black. [center][color=goldenrod][b][u]Emmerson Maddox[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Lawyers and I have on and off days, from what I know he’s new to the crew."[/i][/center] Case File: None Description: I haven’t seen him in court yet. [center][color=red][b][u]Talia Halbrook[/u][/b][/color] [i]"She’s certainly pretty proud."[/i][/center] Case File: Obvious Annie Description: Pride Demons may be strong, but when you know how to look for they tend to flaunt it. [center][color=Black][b][u]”Low Key”[/u][/b][/color] [i]"My main case currently. Peddling drugs and some other… Things."[/i][/center] Case File: Low Key Description: Haven’t seen the man myself but from what I can tell with his wares I believe him to be selling things targeted preliminarily to Vampires, perhaps Dhampires too. I’ll probably have Black poke his nose into this one. [center][color=f26522][b][u]Freddie Milton[/u][/b][/color] [i]"I think he’s too concerned with his books to stir up too much trouble."[/i][/center] Case File: Magic in a Young Boy’s Heart Description: As long as his magic doesn’t take him down a dark path, he should be fine. Side note: Investigate if [i]all[/i] librarians are witches. [center][color=A2F22F][b][u]Liam Woodsworth[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Don’t like ‘em."[/i][/center] If I’m right and he’s a Dhampire he may be my in to Low Key. Until then he’s a time bomb. Not my favorite citizen of Edgetoun. [center][color=BlueViolet][b][u]Zoe Alston[/u][/b][/color] [i]"Zoe? Oh she’s got an uncle on the force."[/i][/center] No I haven’t met her. Is that really her in this photo? S-she, well, it looks good. Good for her, that’s very - *ahem* her eyes are [i]very[/i] blue aren’t they. Well good. [/hider]