[h1][center][color=00aeef]Lorelai Von'Strauss[/color][/center][/h1] Lorelai finally returned to the castle as the first signs of dawn peeked over the horizon. Her meeting with Robert Flint went better than expected. Hopefully he'd come through with a solution to her problem, otherwise it was going to require more drastic measures. For now the vampires were simply a vexing foe, if they found the castle they'd become implacable. If they couldn't be slain the witches would quickly find themselves fending off wave after wave of suicide strikes. Her captive had also hinted at the magical capability of his master. No matter, she was confident she'd find a solution before it became too much of an issue. Her heart sank as she remembered the wards. They needed renewed, today. [color=00aeef]"No rest for the wicked huh?"[/color] She sighed. Lorelai shook of her fatigue and strode into the castle to prepare. Hopefully Vespa or Elina would be available soon to assist her, their fine control of blood made the precise work of drawing the required diagrams and ensuring they stayed in place practically trivial. Their flexible source of power was also of great utility to fuel the magics, which was why Lorelai was hoping it would be Vespa who woke first. That and the affect Vespa's face had on her currently fatigued heart. Although it had been awhile since she'd spoken with Elina, maybe she'd find out what was bothering the silver haired girl lately. Either way she wouldn't be sleeping for awhile yet. She set about gathering the reagents, and getting some much needed coffee.