[center][img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=156425&s=55&t=Drifter&c=FF99FF[/img] [H2][color=AFEEEE]AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA[/color][/H2] [url=http://rs798.pbsrc.com/albums/yy264/animetron/Anime%20PNG%20Pictures%202ND/MakinamiIllustriousMari-3.png?w=480&h=480&fit=clip]WILD GIRL[/url][/center] Jessica smiled at the two roof guards who handled their demonstration of power over her life with a degree of civility lacking in her other Foster Unit in the remote Falklands. She sympathized with her Guardians knowing that she was a nightmare not yet full grown; she could bend a primal element to her bidding. And the most delicious thing about it was that they had made her their perceived threat, had taught her where her limits were and how to push past them. They who schooled her to be