[hider=A thingy I need help with but don't want to have not in a hider] Alright, so, um...hi. Pause on silly weird goof Dusk. I'm...having some issues. (sorry to suddenly be all stick in the mud i have great timing lel) So, uh...this is the first RP that's taken off like this since I've come back to RPing and I'm honestly super spooked. I'm not playing characters familiar to me, and I'm getting really confused and conflicted on how to write them. Like, they're too intense when I'm normally the one with the subdued guys and gals. So...I'm gonna do something I don't ever, EVER do and ask...do y'all have any advice? Any tips on playing unfamiliar stuff? Maybe to make Andrew and Liam more...natural? (Let's face it, they're like when you put vanilla extract in something but pour the whole bottle in, so the one thing is all you taste, ya feel?) I could go to one or two people, but I'm like fuck it, let's see what I can get lol [/hider] haha don't open that :)