[hider=Aurelia Nekroz] [center] [color=darkkhaki]Name:[/color] Aurelia Dianthe Nekroz [color=darkkhaki]Color:[/color] darkkhaki [color=darkkhaki]Age:[/color] 24 [color=darkkhaki]Gender:[/color] Female [hider=Description:] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dUIkSxd.png[/img] Aurelia is a woman of shorter height, clocking in at around 4'11"/150cm and weighing 118lbs/54kg. Her overall figure is toned and fit, built for a compromise between endurance and speed. She has sandy blonde hair, ebony eyes, and soft facial features. Throughout her body, she has quite a few scars from her military background, though none are incredibly noticeable. Generally, outside of her battle raiment, she dresses for comfort rather than style. Most would assume Aurelia to be a meek and mild woman by her natural demeanor and slight expressions. [/hider] [color=darkkhaki]Occupation:[/color] Sole surviving member of the disgraced Nekroz family and a fledgling shield maiden. [color=darkkhaki]Personality/Bio:[/color] As the youngest member of eight siblings from the vastly wealthy Nekroz family, there was not terribly much expected of Aurelia. Not everything was handed to her on a silver platter though, as her parents strongly believed that their children should work for what they have, just as they did. From the time she was able to walk and talk, she was doing an adequate amount of chores with the servants while learning general education and the mannerisms of the aristocracy. Aurelia never did quite excel at any specific subject growing up nor was she very charismatic. Though she stood dignified and strongly, the girl would speak much too quietly, something that would linger on even as she grew into an adult. At the age of 14, she was asked what she wanted to be. To her parents' surprise, Aurelia wanted to be a warrior, someone who put their life on the line to protect Oasis. She had always been fascinated with formations, the tactics employed to defend their great city, and those in charge that kept the masses appeased. The Queen in particular was someone she idealized, and she would often write letters to her, although they were usually ignored. Her family often questioned her worship and tried to sway her opinion on the matter, but they never were successful. When she turned 17, Aurelia finally entered the service of Oasis' military. For this occasion, her parents' commissioned a lovely suit of leather armor for her and gifted her one of the finest shields the Nekroz family could find. Leaving the nest and comfort of her family's home was hard and the training she endured was even harder, but she found passion in the art of war. Moreover, Aurelia and her superiors found herself to be an able tactician and a sound fighter. It seemed that she had a bright future ahead of her. Unfortunately, at 18, her life was turned upside down by the sudden extermination of the Nekroz family. Her home was raided and her parents, her brothers and sisters were sentenced to die, labelled as heretics. Even Aurelia was imprisoned and brought before the Royal family to swear her loyalty. In the process, she learned that her family had been conspiring to reveal untrue records that proved the Queen was not descended from the Prophet and therefore not of divine origins. Their actions would have caused dissent within the city and could have divulged the human race into chaos. So Aurelia, the only member who had proven her loyalty through service in the military and letters of worship, was forced to choose between life or death. Ultimately, she chose to serve her Queen while her family was cut down, a spectacle she was spared from watching. Aurelia did not expect every repercussion that would come from her family's betrayal. For one, an ensuing media circus cursed the name Nekroz and her own reputation suffered as a result. Even those she had regarded as close friends left her side despite her oath to the Queen and proof of innocence. Most of the family's fortunes were seized as well, and Aurelia went from having riches beyond what the average person could hope for to a modest sum. She tried to revive the family's business, but her lack of charisma and her surname got her nowhere. 6 years later and Aurelia is still haunted by her family's actions. Due to bias and distrust, her career in the military has been stagnant. Though she is not poor, she struggles socially, considering she has practically been labelled a pariah and is no longer welcome in the aristocratic circles. When news of the expedition reached her ears, she immediately volunteered in hopes to redeem the Nekroz family name. She is certain she may die out there, but perhaps that is a better fate than living a life unanimously hated for actions she did not commit. [color=darkkhaki]Possessions:[/color] She wears a suit of ornate leather armor, and she carries 2 bronze pilums (one shorter and lighter than the other), a bronze gladius, and her elegant, sapphire-encrusted steel shield. Aurelia's armor and shield help her remember her family, though heretics they might have been, and are symbolic of what she hopes to achieve. The remainder of the Nekroz fortune is to be signed over to the crown, enough to cover at least half the expedition's cost. [/center] [/hider]