[hider=Bright-eyed Scholar] Name: Kirhi Duskglide Age: 14 Gender: Female. Appearance: Of average height and weight for her age, Kirhi is physically and average human. Shoulder-length, light brunette hair and eyes a slighter lighter shade of brown fit well with her fair skin and lithe frame. She can usually be found wearing a simple shirt and long pants, rarely if ever wearing "girl's" clothing. Alignment: Neutral Good Backstory: Insatiably curious, from the moment she was born Kirhi tried to learn everything she could. From learning to crawl and walk at a much faster rate than normal to exhausting every book and storyteller she comes across, her mental strength is largely due to her eidetic memory. Born in a small village in one of the poorer areas of the Coalition of the Shore Folk, her early years were spent exploring and listening to the few travelers who came through. Before moving to the nearby kingdom proper, she finished what education her home could provide at a record pace which was only continued in her second home. Practically living in it's library for the next year, leaving only to hear the tales of those who came through the ports, she absorbed the knowledge of this new town and found herself wanting more. Recently, she's managed to befriend a crew of relatively kind pirates who frequent the town, and has saved up just enough to travel with them in return for her knowledge of maps and navigation. Abilities and traits: - Eidetic memory. She can permanently and completely memorize information and stimuli in seconds, making her hunger for knowledge both easily fed and dangerous. - Beginner-level magic use. She can do very simple from a few of the books she's read, but her knowledge of magic is mostly academic which leaves her with little ability to actually put this into practice. - Above-average physical fitness. While not overly impressive, she can do more than most of her peers thanks to her understanding of the importance of exercise and self-created exercise routine. [/hider]