Thanks [@POOHEAD189] :] [hider=Dusk] Name: Dusk Alyiah Color: [color=23FEFA]Teal.[/color] Age: 24 Gender: Male Description: Dusk could normally be seen clad in a lightweight white cloak that concealed his angled features. His piercing brown eyes were mere slits between their lids as they hid from the glare of the sun, hair of the same color wrapped into a tight bun atop his skull, tied with a teal ribbon. His brow was accentuated with a teal circle the size of a pea, slightly between and above his eys. Beneath the cloak he wore a hard leather vest and bracers, creased and brittle with the marks aging and the scent of mildew. He carried an aged bronze scimitar on his left hip, its blade nicked and hilt tarnished. Upon his back rested a bronze-plated wooden shield of the same make and quality as the sword. Around his waist he wore a finely made leather belt with a variety of different sized pouches. His bare feet shown signs of significant abuse, the calloused and scarred pads of someone who neglects to wear shoes on the regular. Occupation: Herbalist, Mystic. Personality/Bio: Growing up Dusk's family was poor.They did the best they could with what they had, but life in the Oasis was often hard with a lack of food and proper clothing. His mother, the primary influence in his life, was a medicine woman. He learned his herbalist skills from her. She could have supplied a more lavish life for their family with her skillset, but her humble nature and compassion for the underprivlidged prevented that. Most of her work was done for the areas least fortunate citizens who could afford little or no compensation. Dusk's father was a laborer and skilled fighter. He had at one time served in the military, but that was a life he tried his best to forget. Most of his coin wasn't made through carpentry, though. Little did Dusk's mother know, the proud man had resorted to selling his sword for illicit activities, only wanting to be the best provider he could for his family during these trying seasons. All it took was one botched job with some sleazy underground society to land the man in prison for an indefinite amount of time. The only way to free him was with a significant amount of coin. Dusk takes after his mother mostly, sharing her drive to help the less fortunate. He studied her art for many years growing up and was now a fine herbalist himself. The compassionate nature and dedication have lead Dusk to begin having a deeper understanding of himself and a more harmonious relationship with animals and the world itself. While he normally wouldn't charge much for his services, the family is in a tight spot. Father has been imprisoned for years, and if they hope for him to ever see the light of day again, Dusk must raise the coin needed to free him. Perhaps in service to a travelling party as a healer. The idea captivated him. Possessions: Lightweight white cloak, old leather vest, tarnished scimitar and shield, bag of herbs, mortar and pestile, a few bandage rolls, and various bottles of herbal extracts and salves. [/hider] If anything needs to be added/edited, please let me know!