[h3][center][b]~Laina~[/b][/center][/h3] Laina had been resting for most of the night. Sleep was easy that night, either due to exhaustion or simply losing a large amount of blood, she wasn't sure. What she did know was, that she should probably check on Geneveve. She was injured yesterday, wasn't she? And from what she knew, she should at least be slightly concerned about her since they had that sort of relationship. Whatever the case, she was not going anywhere without Saevire again. And she wasn't going to let Geneveve go somewhere without him, either. ...in fact, she wasn't going to let her go anywhere without her. It was early in the morning, so Geneveve should still be asleep. Which was fine, it just made finding her easier. She was probably in her room then, or at least nearby. If she wasn't, she was going to have to find her though she didn't know where to begin on finding Geneveve. If she was there, she would simply walk in, and see how she was doing. Unless she was asleep...then she'd have Saevire wait outside and wait on the other girl to wake up. A perfect plan with no flaws whatsoever. So with that in mind, Laina got up, dressed, and headed right for Geneveve's room with Saevire following behind her as always. It didn't take her long to reach it. She opened the door, and walked inside. [@Agentmanatee]