[center][h1]Ebenezer Moore[/h1][/center] His thoughts lingered upon yesterday's wind whipped wake. Unfinished experiments and analysis of Darwin's evolutionary theory and hands-on experiments in the anatomy of animals, cloning and gene splicing. It was a sour vision thus far. Like dust in the wind it settles back into the ground as Ebenezer glared towards the cry of the television. "You seem tired, friend." Had his mind overtaken himself he would've missed it. The eyes swerves towards the barrista in front of him sights still slightly clouded from his inner thoughts. "This ought to warm your insides," he offerred something out of Ebenezer's peripheral vision. "On the house." There was something he had missed as his hands flew towards the other cup labelled 'Zombie Cure'. "Random... Act of kindness, huh?" The first word wailed as a purple haze discharged his mouth. Ebenezer turned his back and sipped the cup haphazardly into his mouth, tossing a few dollar coins that homed the tipping jar. $4.50. "Seems like anywhere's a scarecrow now." His words was ambiguously sarcastic. No one would understand what he'd meant. "Surely you've missed me in the newspapers. Then again-- Meaningless mementos for Ebenezer." He continued his drink until it was finished, the cup planted firmly on the counter. "I don't get that kind of cuppa 'round here. One of a kind, Leo." He then lingered around the area of the murder scene eerily frozen as soon as he was over where the dead body had laid. He was seen sniffing and sitting down tasting the floor. "Interesting." His comment was. [@Cubix]