[@ Nevis] – The Palace attack truly doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room for new player character introductions unless they indeed turn against Conqvist so you make a solid point. It's not entirely impossible for new characters to appear in the other arc, which involves Lady Heurassein, Fadl, Ash, and the surviving Secondary characters. When we [i]do[/i] conclude Episode II, new opportunities to invite a newer supporting cast will be available. Currently many of us seem occupied with academia or other priorities so it will take some time after Spring Break and the Vacation Hangover-Hump to get back into gear. I won't be going anywhere and will be here to listen to what everyone has to say because we have a great story with a unique cast. More than anything, adding a bigger cast wouldn't hurt, but frequent activity would go a long ways to advancing through the Palais Episode where secrets and conspiracies could potentially await discovery and unravelling.