[color=Teal] [center] [h1] Hirose Reimi [/h1] [/center] [/color] [@Krinos Solstice] Reimi, though socially awkward, at the very least was able to order her tea. The waitress walked towards herself, and Reimi placed her order for the supposed delicious bubble tea that Shin had recommended to her. It was unlike Shin to lie to Reimi. After all, they could be considered friends to say the least. Reimi considered Shin to be one of the few people she trusted. Though seemingly popular, Shin seemed to, at a core like herself, was flawed. And Reimi understood this well. No one is perfect. Humans existed as entities imperfect by design. A man's conscience and his judgment is the same thing; and as the judgment, so also the conscience, may be erroneous. The flesh endures the storms of the present alone; the mind, those of the past and future as well as the present. However, imperfection does not imply a flawed self by nature, and a flawed person was not an imperfect person by nature, nor are the two mutually exclusive. [color=Teal] “Y-yeah of course.” [/color] Though Reimi tended to have problems expressing herself, she did seem a lot more lively in the presence of Shin. Though even to Shin it was a bit hard for her to open up completely, in the end opening up slightly was more than even Reimi might be able to confide in her parents, who seemed to almost ignore her entire existence. Perhaps it was by chance the two met. Though someone not to believe in superstitious things like fate and whatnot, even Reimi considered that day “fateful”. If she had not met a person in the sea of nothingness that became her life, and if he had not been able to smooth over her course personality, perhaps there might have been a different future to Reimi’s end. The child to endless ridicule due to her natural tendency towards awkwardness and to a degree stoicism. But to Shin’s recommendation, Reimi took the cord and placed it into her Neurolinker. Though normally it was rather embarrassing after all, the only reason why a boy and a girl tended to use a direct link was due to their relationship being that of boyfriend and girlfriend. It was considered scandalous otherwise. But Reimi considered such notions to be childish in the end. It was simply an exchange of thoughts no different than a conversation. The only reason the two would be forced to use the direct link must have been information a bit too sensitive for even the meager amounts of people within the cafe. [color=Teal] “So, what did you wish to talk about, S-Shin?” [/color] Though technology will continue to advance, it was always a bit odd for Reimi to direct connect to anyone. Direct connections require a degree of intimacy to trust another for this instance. A Neurolinker was the tool of the future, and to allow strangers into your key to modernism could impede on such processes. And even so, to allow someone to read your personal thoughts required a great deal of trust. But Reimi trusted Shin. At least, she hoped her trust in Shin was not ill-founded. [color=Teal] “We don’t seem to do this often do we? After all, that is what c-couples do. But it is nice to do this sort of thing with you, Shin. It kinda f-feels good. ” [/color] Well, it wasn’t exactly like Reimi had a dirty mind. In fact, it was rather the ignorance of her statement’s wording that lead her to say such an awkward thing through the direct link.