[h3][color=a187be][center]~Qelhatat Apophka~[/center][/color][/h3] Qel simply laughed at both of their reactions. Delicious. She let herself be pulled into the alley by Bes'eshe. [color=a187be]"Oh yes, sorry sorry, my dear Sutekh,"[/color] She replied in a very patronizing way as she gave the god a bright grin. [color=a187be]"Do forgive me. I meant no disrespect, of course."[/color] She sighed, shaking her head as her grin turned to a slightly more serious expression. [color=a187be]"I can't help it. It's a little...difficult to not to cause a little trouble! Wouldn't be any fun otherwise~"[/color] She giggled, turning to Bes'eshe. The girl made some good points of course. Offending the Romans were not a very good idea, was it? Her giggling stopped as she looked at Bes'eshe, deciding she should probably explain herself a little before she actually did anger them. She didn't wish them for an enemy, after all. [color=a187be]"Hmm, foolish? My plan was a bit foolish, maybe."[/color] Qelhatat replied, a smug smirk forming on her lips. [color=a187be]"But well, I thrive and chaos and if those soldiers would have gotten a tiny bit angry at me, then I could have had a bit of fun with them."[/color] She gave a disappointed sigh, doing a little twirl to face Set. [color=a187be]"It's not like I would get killed, and they'd have slaughtered themselves anyways. If the Romans decided to punish people for it, then I would have done something about it. Alas, twas not to be had, however. Their leader was a bit to even minded. If you're wondering why I shouted the things I did...well, I was thinking that anyone who still brave and was strong of faith would come forth given some time."[/color] She shook her head, no no, now wasn't the time to be going about explaining her attempting to have a little fun. That wouldn't accomplish anything. [color=a187be]"Not that it matters. Nothing came of it,so nothing has happened!"[/color] She giggled, before taking a serious tone, looking up at Set with an equally serious expression. [color=a187be]"Sutekh, it is well and good to wish to defend our homeland, but with as Rome as strong as it is, fighting them head on without any sort of plan would be foolish, short sighted, and reckless. I apologize if this offends you, but it is true."[/color] She calmly told the other god. [color=a187be]"What we need...is to weaken them from the inside."[/color] A dark grin spread upon her lips once again as she spoke. [color=a187be]"Make them fight themselves, destroy their leadership. Like the venom of a poisonous serpent weakens a man. Even if it isn't enough to kill them, it will leave them even more susceptible to other things. We just need a little...patience."[/color] She looked around the alley, unsure if she should continue in such an...open, air. [color=a187be]"I have a bit of a plan in the works, but I would like a little...help. If perhaps we could go somewhere where we wouldn't be overheard..."[/color] She looked up at Bes'eshe to see her reaction, waiting to see if she would approve or not. If she didn't, then she'd just continue alone. If she did, then...well, she may have just gained two very powerful allies, and it was always a very good idea to have powerful allies that would likely be loyal. [hr] [color=0072bc][center][h3]~Poseidon~[/h3][/center][/color] [color=0054a6]"Ares? Probably off scheming some war or something. You know how he gets sometimes."[/color] Neptune replied as he wrapped a hand around Aphrodite's waist, holding her tightly. In truth, he hadn't heard much from the god of war for some time. Well, as long as it takes a god to consider it some time. Either way, war was not his problem nor his forte, and he could honestly care less about the god whose sole focus was such a thing. He had better things to do, and watching over the cities and ships of Rome was no small task. Of course, he could always make a little time for Aphrodite or any other woman or man who was. [color=0054a6]"What we both know, is that Ares isn't here so he can't interrupt us."[/color] Poseidon replied, not giving her time to reply as he kissed Aphrodite. It wasn't their first, and chances are it wouldn't be their last. Either way, he was going to make the most of this before he returned to his civic duties. [@LadyRunic][@Zahrale]