[h2][color=ed1c24][center]Red Strike[/center][/color][/h2] Ro'Kun had his hands in his pockets, walking down the road on a nice day. He was hoping to find a hotdog stand nearby. In fact he craved it more than he cared to admit. He was so hungry he hardly noticed the people beginning to run past him. A woman screamed and it drew him out of his reverie. He suddenly picked up speed and turned a street corner, and before his eyes were huge statues of War monuments, pounding down upon a prone and broken form. What was worse though...he saw a broken hotdog stand, flattened like Ro'Kun's dreams. He was to their side, so they couldn't quite see him just yet. He moved fast and light on his feet, powerful legs pumping. He hit the top of a car and used it to spring board so he could leap high enough to roundhouse kick the statue that was stomping on Tia, his super enhanced muscles sending it flying backwards and partially cracked. [@Wick]