[center][img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=156425&s=55&t=Drifter&c=FF99FF[/img] [H2][color=AFEEEE]AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA[/color][/H2] [url=http://rs798.pbsrc.com/albums/yy264/animetron/Anime%20PNG%20Pictures%202ND/MakinamiIllustriousMari-3.png?w=480&h=480&fit=clip]WILD GIRL[/url][/center] Jess grins enjoying the challenge and risk an says the thought most on her mind. [color=Tomato]"Is this a territorial display or are you naturally...... aggitated? Believe me when I say; Been there. I have to add that here is public and you have a private room"[/color] pauses to breathe and touch her feet to the floor [color=Tomato]"Sorry rude, didn't mean to be snappy just a bit depressing to want to met someone who might understand what's it like to be..... well different. The squints talk all the time about evolutionary forces how and why I exist, they're afraid of us. I've been a science experiment since I turned 10, condemned to isolation, poked, prodded and tracked. Your story I'm sure is a powerful factor as is mine. I don't want to pry but honestly I need a friend. It doesn't have to be you but if you should meet another girl around my age who irritates you half as much as I do could you be a pet an chase her my way?"[/color] says Jessica in a tired posh tone as she assumes her lazy midair lotus. [center][H2][color=AFEEEE]AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA[/color] Mike & Jessica[/H2] [@FunnyGuy][/center] "I'm Mike, that's Naomi a.k.a Black Cheshire. And don't tell me you're underage too?" Said Mr. Macho Jessica giggles an teases [color=Tomato]"Can't legally appear nude."[/color] She laughs softly her blue eyes sparkling as she focuses her observational skills on Mike as she does all males she made need associate with. Sense of humor, prig, perv and sophistication where all revealed by the innuendo; well most times but even then it was amusing to see how it took some so off guard. It also was amusing to act out of expected ranges as tests of latitude of suppression by authority *can't push the limits if you don't know the boundaries* she thought not caring if one of those there could read thoughts.