[center] [color=RosyBrown][h3]Name[/h3][/color]Preston Holt [color=RosyBrown][h3]Age[/h3][/color]24 (69) [color=RosyBrown][h3]Gender[/h3][/color]Male [color=RosyBrown][h3]Species[/h3][/color]Vampire [color=RosyBrown][h3]Rank[/h3][/color]Probably one of the lowest in vampire society [color=RosyBrown][h3]Personality[/h3][/color]By all accounts and purposes, Preston is not a very good vampire. He is compassionate, gentle, and a coward when it comes to conflict. This makes feeding a chore, having to battle his conscience while still managing to survive. Because of this, his main sources of food are drunks and heavy drug users because it wouldn’t be unusual for them to “pass out” unexpectedly only to awaken later with no memory of what happened. Occasionally, he will partake in group feeding so long as he doesn’t have to make the actual kill. Preston does not view humans as lower creatures and quite enjoys observing them, although it is hard to be around humans without feeling that instinctual hunger. He thinks the most beneficial course of action for vampires and humans alike would be to make humans aware of the existence of vampires and allow for some sort of mutual feeding agreement that would reduce the need to kill. Of course, he has no delusions about the current state of mind within the general vampire community towards humans and knows that revealing themselves would most likely cause panic more than anything else. [color=RosyBrown][h3]Appearance[/h3][/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/UARDmsk.png?1[/img] [/hider] [color=RosyBrown][h3]Equipment/weapons[/h3][/color]None. [color=RosyBrown][h3]History[/h3][/color]Preston was born in New York City in 1923 to working-class parents. He was only a child when the Great Depression hit, forcing his mother out of her job to stay at home while his father continued working hard for even less than he had been earning before. Preston’s family scraped by below the poverty line until 1939 when main economic conditions began to stabilize again. When WWII rolled around and the United States entered the War in 1941, Preston was 18. His father was already too old to be considered for war, but Preston began to fear he would soon be drafted, knowing that he could never handle a battle situation. If there was a god out there, it certainly heard Preston’s silent prayers every drafting period. Eventually, the war ended and Preston never ended up having to fight, although his peers criticized his cowardice, saying he should have been drafted just because of his squeamishness. Preston finished school and moved out on his own in 1947, still staying within the city. It was then he met the people that would change the course of his life forever. They had seemed like a normal group of young persons around his age, though he only ever saw them smoking and hanging around at night as he returned to his apartment from work. They approached him one night, inviting him to a dinner gathering of sorts and he politely agreed, just happy to have something social to do for once. He should have felt wary of entering the underground hangout for a dinner party and he ended up being dinner at the end of their fangs. Of course, he wasn’t the only human they’d invited there. But he was the only one spared from death. These were young and inexperienced vampires. Apparently, one of the girls had taken a liking to him from observing him for quite some time and so she turned him into a vampire as well, essentially gifting him a longer life. Preston didn’t see it as a gift, struggling with the concept of needing to feed at least once a week in order to survive. Fleeing from the group of young vampires, he tried to live off rodent blood for a while, but the taste was so awful, he couldn’t keep it down most nights. The Queens coven took him in, but they soon realized he was useless on hunts and he spends his nights on the receiving end of sneers. He’s been contemplating leaving the Queens vampire coven for quite some time now, but doubts he would be able to survive on his own. [/center]