[center][color=purple][b]Black Cheshire a.k.a. Naomi Williams[/b][/color][/center] [color=a187be]"Alright, team bonding over."[/color] Naomi shuts the TV off and stands, teleporting back to her room. Taking a look around she decides to explore the rooms a bit more. She does find a TV in what looks to be the living room area, but she no longer feels like watching it. She really feels like punching something, but doesn't want to risk bumping into any other [i]teammates[/i] in the gym. [color=a187be]"Home renovation it is,"[/color] Naomi grins, conjuring up a ball of dark matter and hurling it at the wall between her new bedroom and the living room. A gaping hole is left in the wall, like a medium sized port hole. Naomi glares at it for a minute, before seemingly deflating. Her shoulders slump and she falls back into the plush couch provided for her. She was supposed to making nice today, but it all got shot to hell by her temper and overall hatred of people. [color=a187be]"G was right,"[/color] Naomi sighed out loud, [color=a187be]"I really am just destined to end up a crazy cat lady who never leaves her house."[/color] Turning on her stomach Naomi stared blankly at the floor, trying to figure out if apologizing was worth the harm to her pride. [@RumikoOhara]