[b][h2][centre]Downtown giant statue attack![/centre][/h2][/b] As much as Kain deeply longed to just hit the road and ride free and fast, worry-less into the night, deep down he knew it wouldn't be so, not tonight. Traffic was heavy and congested. There was a spreading of uncertain panic, hearsay and Chinese whispers sneaking through the streets, and then the vibrations... Kain could feel them in the ground. The heavy pounding of something very large and unnatural. Kain sighed with an agitated disappointment. He sharply geared down and applied the breaks as he turned tightly, veering up onto a walkway. Opening the throttle right up he quickly leapt back up through the gears as he raced to the source of trouble. It wasn't hard to find the giants, Kain weaved through buildings and abandoned cars dodging people and rubble. That's when he heard the screams, he came to a sliding halt and tore off his helmet to be sure. The cry's of mothers and children, desperate fathers and terrified siblings. It stung deep. [i]'where the hell is everyone else!'[/i] Kain curses in his head only noticing two hero's currently putting up a fight. Kain quickly moves to minimise collateral damage, cars peel open at his touch freeing the trapped victims inside. He ditches his bike as he jumps off it to land on a large school bus. Both his hands melt into the roof and a with his teeth clenched tight, a visible strain painted on his body, he causes it to mold and reform into a protective barrier over a huddled group of people just seconds before a car came crashing down on it. This continued on for some time. Kain trying to keep one step ahead of the enemies as he ran from one distressed person to the next. Guiding them to safety, creating shelters for them or seeking a missing loved one. Luckily there was plenty of metal at his disposal. It was now running freely over his skin, a glistening liquid metal that rolled and toiled in silver hypnotic patterns, ready at his disposal. Then he saw something he couldn't prevent and his heart sank. One of the unoccupied giants picked up a bus and tore it in two, each side still had travellers panicking and holding on for their life, and if that wasn't enough, this unnatural monster was about two throw away both halves of the vehicle...