OOC when? I got a solid idea of my character. Some guy, he's like 30, has been out of a job for five years and has gotten a horrible sense of style in the mean time. Once he was a very good baseball player (back in highschool), it was like the height of his life since he spent much of his early 20's working at a department store managing inventory and not really working to any higher purpose. He got lazier in life due to not even being sure why he does what he does, just zombie walking through each day without much to really hold up himself. He has pretty much been living off money he made when he had a job for the past five years after being laid off and has been unable to find any calling in life. His egotism from high school has unfortunately carried over and instead of trying to find something new to do, believing that he is a victum of life and blames everything but himself for all his problems. He hated this day to day existence and had little support from friends (barely had any) or family (they live far away) to help him through his problems. In the 2010's he just played video games and got into online arguments on youtube until one day... He woke up here. And he believes that he woke up from the nightmare that was his life on Earth. He always loved the play places at McDonalds, and for two decades that was taken from him. Now here he is, in a realm of endless time where he can play all day and night. Of course, he better shape up fast. Hopefully his teenage years as a good baseball player helps him in this place. Probably not. But hey, he has luck (plot armoring- he only dies if the GM allows it... Please don't, keeping him alive is better than having him dead) on his side and some of the most enlightened beliefs Earth has to offer. I'm not sure what the other characters will be like so I may have made someone who is way out of his element here since I am not sure what sort of characters are appropriate here. Oh well. Just no elf OCs okay?