[hider=Shawn and Gorgonzolla] [b]Name:[/b] Shawn Yommel (and Gorgonzolla) [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/90/d0/6a/90d06af3b5fda35ed76774b53a117848.jpg]The guy[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Shawn is a cheerful and optimistic person. He's not afraid to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger at all. When a problem arises, though, Shawn tends to rely on brute force rather than logic. Gorgonzolla tends to act annoyed and bored most of the time as he spends time with Shawn. He doesn't quite understand humans, seeing them as little more than puppets. As he spends more and more time with Shawn, though, that is slowly changing. Gorgonzolla is also rather shrewd and crafty, which is rather fitting considering he is a demon. [b]Fear(s):[/b] The darkness (Shawn). Failure to achieve his goals (Gorgonzolla). [b]Ability:[/b] -Demonfire: Shawn is capable of summoning and controlling black-and-green flames that produce very little smoke and are very difficult to put out even with water. Beyond that, though, it's not all that different from regular fire. In addition to this, Shaun is impervious to flames, although not necessarily the smoke. -Enhanced physical capabilities: Shawn can effortlessly perform feats that would take a normal human years of training to accomplish, as well as heal at an extraordinary rate. -Demon Sword: Shawn can materialize a [url=http://pre03.deviantart.net/1785/th/pre/i/2007/190/3/4/sword_2_by_democris.jpg]sword[/url] to aid him in combat. The sword is, of course, quite resistant to all forms of physical stress, and can cut through many things most ordinary swords cannot. [b]Short History:[/b] Shawn was once an ordinary kid, doing boring and ordinary things like homework and chores. It's possible his life would have simply been another boring series of events of desk jobs and eventual death of old age were it not for a drunk driver that struck him when he was still a child. Shawn fell into a coma and his heath was slowly declining. He would have certainly died had it not been for a dying demon soul that approached Shawn. Both of them wanted to live, so they struck a deal. The demon would be allowed to inhabit Shawn's body, and Shawn would be granted the power needed to survive his accident. Needless to say, it was a success. Everyone believed it a miracle that Shawn survived, and was astounded at how quickly he made a full recovery after only a few days. Shawn attempted to resume his normal life, but he soon found out that it wasn't quite as simple as that. Turns out, there were plenty of creatures out there that wanted Gorgonzolla dead, and Shawn's new powers attracted them to him. Fortunately, Shawn's abilities began to awaken, and Shawn learned how to handle himself. However, he was caught off guard one day, too used to demons attacking to not notice humans attempting to capture him this time. [/hider]