[@BurningCold] [color=0054a6]"Eh, sure why not. Not like this is the thing thats gonna kill me anyways."[/color] She looked to Sonja and stuck her hand out. [color=fff200]"Uh for fuck sake. Here"[/color] Sonja said throwing the lighter to Ashley, who lit the Cigarette and took a long drag from it. [color=0054a6]"So Mattias, We're investigating how the UK is operating without any vampires in it, or so they said however after that shithole that they dare to call a bare back there i think you can see how wrong they are. but shits gone sideways. So now were going to a Soldier cache where theres a boat, from there were going to Guernsey where a Helicopter will pick us up and take us back to the states. Your free to come with us back to HQ if you wanna help the good fight against the vampires who plan to break the Blood Compact. or we can drop you off back in the states somewhere. Up to you."[/color] Sonja turned a dial on the radio to put it on to the Radio. The rather chirpy voice of the BBC Radio 1 presenter Nick Grimshaw sounded throughout the van. [color=39b54a]"That latest song by American Artists twenty one pilots, now were gonna play something a little different. This is Warriors by Imagine Dragons"[/color]and then the presenters voice vanished and was replaced by some music [hider=SAID MUSIC]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP9I8ZUwKpc&list=PLeIgAt2n0-A1o-q_ap_5jC8I-Mb-xp7kc&index=4[/hider] Meanwhile Katya was dealing with Romans rather unfortunate situation regarding his tongue. She had remembered something from a Medic course she had taken a long time ago that if no sterilising agent was around that cheap vodka was similar to a sterilising agent. Luckily the Russian would be used to the taste of cheap vodka from the old Motherland or whatever they called it. "Sorry Roman, this might sting" she said as she forced him to drink some of the Vodka she had taken from His pack. Luckily it would suffice till they had time to get him proper medical attention. "Yo, Sonja were gonna need to get this guy to a hospital at some point ok"