[u][b]Possible Requests:[/b][/u] Ms. Uede can't seem to find her car keys. She's offering a reward of $600.00 to anyone who can find them. Before she noticed they were missing, she went on her morning walk from her home in Uptown, over to Blossom Heights where she walked up and around the large hill. She stopped by Shoten Temple and then walked down to Shoppers Row and bought some groceries. She took the shortcut through the Shopping Street Narrows and then went to visit her friend Richard over at Tranquility Apartments B 205. She had lunch with him and finally caught a cab back home and then realized the keys had fallen out of her pocket. - - - Some workers are reporting odd incidents in the Delivery Bay. Boxes are being moved and things are even going missing. They want someone to investigate and figure out what sort of thing is actually going on. They think it's kids but it could be something spiritual. A reward of $1200.00 is being offered to anyone with answers who can put a stop to the spooky shenanigans. - - - Some elementary school kids are starting to ditch school and it's not like them. A group of concerned teachers is requesting the aid to keep these normally studious kids, on the right path. The kids are Hiromi, Machi and Bella and they've been spotted hanging out by the west riverbank just before you cross the overpass to Blossom Heights. If completed, the teachers will treat whoever helps, to a large meal at a restaurant of their choice. - - - At the Springdale Business Tower, two co-workers have been arguing for a week and not getting any work done. Their boss overseeing the project is getting fed up and ready to fire them. One of the other workers caught wind of the looming threat and has posted a plea for someone to come and try to fix whatever's wrong between the once friendly co-workers. A reward of $300.00 and an online article about the resolution are being offered. - - - Nakamura is offering passes to the Springdale Hotsprings if anyone can find his deceased wife's ring which fell in Catfish Pond. She died six years ago and he would like to have it back as a means to remember her by. She says she dropped in the pond on accident over ten years ago. He hasn't had any luck and now that he's older, he can't bumble through the pond like he used to. - - - At Banter Bakery, it seems people are beginning to forget things. Like leaving their wallet before heading back off to work, or forgetting how to even operate the cash register. Clearly something is going on and the owner of the store wants someone to come in and see why or how this is happening. [b][u]Plot Progress:[/u][/b] TBA [u][b]Known Demons and Their Locations:[/b][/u] [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/yokaiwatch/images/7/78/Yo-Kai_Watch_-_Boss_Gargaros.png/revision/latest?cb=20151203115441]Gargaros[/url] is a nasty oni who stalks people who stay out late at night. Many parents warn their kids that if they're bad, he might come after them. He is very powerful and quick. If you sudden freeze up and feel a chill in the air, followed by mist, you better start running and hope he doesn't catch you! [url=http://cdn.i.ntere.st/p/9143058/image]Whisper[/url] is a spirit who is friendly, somewhat snarky and very smart when it comes to knowledge about demons and their history. Whisper is not fond of combat, conflict or any sort of negative situation. He is keen to help people and can sometimes be competitive when it comes to challenging people with riddles or logic.