If the day we're starting on is the one they have off, the service could be during any time of day then and I may have Botan in street clothes then. I'm just thinking aloud for myself there though. I do think the case with the suicides and the demon in question will be a slow burn but at the same time, we will need smaller more minor cases in the area to probably act as filler since it'll take a while for them to really know what they're up against at the school. I do think their relationship or pretend one, will probably need to be proposed a few days after she attends classes though, since it might not really dawn on either of them immediately. But I do think them sorting out her living arrangements and why she's investigating the academy, would be a good enough conversation for them. I think she'd rock some cute lil glasses. Though I think Yusuke might just fuck with her when they cross paths and he pretends not to know who she is when she's got the glasses on. Cue cute running joke haha.