[center][b][color=E77C12]Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer[/color][/b][/center] [i]Punch! Punch! Smash[/i] Each statue took a few hits before crumbling to rubble to Grant's blows. A couple statues in and punching fists into solid concrete statues was starting to hurt. But he couldn't let up. The sentient's focus turned on the heroes and they started stomping toward the duo where they'd be met with fists and powerful blasts to crumble to pieces. A quick swing over Grant's head caused him to duck and roll to the right. Another parried blow pushed him further back. Returned attacks and swirling combat soon had Grant separated from Tia and out of sight. "Tia!" He called, she was only a few hundred yards away at this point but it was too late. A larger statue had her pinned under his foot. Each blow was harder than the last and Tia wasn't moving. [i]FWOOM![/i] A swift jab narrowly missed Grant's jaw pulling his focus off Tia again. A grip around its forearm and Grant was pivoting the stone man backward over his shoulder. It crashed hard into two others behind it, all three dusting to pieces. Grant turned back and sprinted toward Tia. Full speed, he went into a forward slide putting himself over Tia and the Presidents heavy concrete boot. "Ugh!" Grant grunted loudly folding in slightly under the pressure smashing on his crossed arms overhead. The monster pressed harder shifting all its weight downward on Grant's body. He began to bend in losing to the power strugle. The footprint crater Tia's body had crushed into the street was cracking again under Grant's knee. "Guuhhh!" He growled a guttural rumble in his chest. Tia was breathing beneath him, barely. She needed help. If there was ever a time in Grant's life his strength could be used for good to save someone's life. This was no time to fail. [i]Crrrrrrruuuuuunch![/i] The asphalt buckled under his boot and Grant shot upward with incredible strength! The giant flew backward spiraling its top heavy head down to the ground. It smashed like a pumpkin on the sidewalk with an avalanche crash. [i]Rumble[/i] The earth shook with it's defeat. Grant swung Tia's limp body over his shoulder. Her long green hair dressed over his broad chest. He surveyed the destruction. Kain had shown up just in time. Tearing apart soldiers left and right. He looked like a real hero. Grant smirked and yelled to him just as he was split another car open to free its trapped passengers, "I knew you'd always have my back." He ran back toward the the SUV and placed Tia there. She wasn't looking good. [i]Was there anyone else on this team other than him and Kain???[/i], he thought angrily. She needed to get back to HQ, but Kain needed help. Grant turned to see a bus being torn in two and Kain being the only one to stop it. "Damnit!" He yelled and sprinted back, leaving Tia in the back seat of the SUV. The giant concrete monster held two halves of a filled bus in both hands and was about to toss them aside over its shoulders. Grant never was an intelligent guy and now he had no time to think. He leapt at the giants left hand blackened claws fully extended from his fingers. A hard slash at the wrist broke enough of the joint to separate it from the arm and the bus fell back to the ground. A rough landing, but hopefully the best outcome for the people inside. Grant somersaulted on the ground and looked back to see if Kain had saved the other half... [@Dark Light] [center][b][color=E77C12]Grant Finley: AKA The Hammer[/color][/b][/center]