She sighs and listens to the light breathing to Ry as he sleeps and she looks up at the moon. The white pages scattered around her lap and the bedsheets. It was getting later, the black ink trying to be illuminated by the soft glow of the lamp. She feels her eyes start to droop, but she gets up and slips through the window, a set of clothes in hand. Ruby picks up her head as Chi pulls her closer and drops from the window, onto a branch and steps her way down through the canopy. She lightly lands on the grass that's starting to form dew under her feet as she lightly walks along. Ruby starts to fall asleep in the lull of her step. Her light hum goes though out the empty space. The fog starts creeping in as she stands against the cherry tree that she was just against earlier. It seem's like so long ago, but she smiles at the light breeze that picked up. Hours must have vaporized with the fog as the clouds start to break up and the sun just starts streaking the colors of the sky. She heads back through the window and places Ruby on the bed, changing quietly and she grabs her papers and books, deciding to let Ry wake himself. She slips into the class thats in the janitors. She sits in the back, waiting, students already being there. She shifts her weight and sits in the corner against the wall.