Shay spent the better part of the trip into Metropolis grumbling to himself about the "name" he'd been given. "Revenant", it was about as goofy as it sounded. Hell, it made him sound like a [i]villain[/i] for crying out loud! The name was, naturally, Sir William's idea. Of course the goodie two-shoes knight-in-shining-armor would be the one who thought of it. Shay actually protested at first, but Batman insisted that he use some kind of codename and told Shay on no uncertain terms to either take the name suggested or come up with a better one. Shay, not feeling arsed enough to argue, begrudgingly agreed to the knight's suggestion. [i]"We're going to hate working with that knight, aren't we?"[/i] Alastor's question pretty much reflected Shay's own irritation. As he accompanied the team into Metropolis, Shay couldn't help but suddenly depressed at the sight. This once shining example of a modern city was basically in tatters now, buildings damaged in the invasion left in disrepair and the streets littered with abandoned cars and debris. Of course, Shay didn't stay above ground for long, as everyone except Flash and Captain Marvel followed Batman underground. Wonder Woman broke through a wall behind which Batman said the prisoners were held, but something else interrupted the rescue before the team could proceed into the opening she created. A figure that looked like a younger Superman confronted the team. "Oh shite..." muttered Shay, Alastor's sword already appearing in his grasp in its usual fiery fashion. [i]"Remember what Batman said. Magic can hurt Superman, so I imagine the same can be said of this one as well."[/i] "Only one way to find out!" Shay exclaimed, probably sounding rather sudden to the others. As he did so, he lunged full force for The Boy of Steel, bringing his fiery, demonic blade around to slice at the young Kryptonian's neck.