Chen grimaced internally at the storms of puns that were being thrown, but shrugged them off the best he could. [color=red][b]'God you people are awful. You're lucky I need you.'[/b][/color] Suddenly a bird monster flew over the group and spouted out the answer to the puzzle before he could say anything. He tentatively stepped on the spikes in front of him and watched as they receded when his foot got close to them. "Well I guess that's that then. I'll go first, if thats okay." Chen carefully stepped across the bridge, almost skewering his foot once but saving himself at the last second, and made it to the other side where the strange bird was. "Thanks for the hint Mr... I don't think I caught your name. I'm Chen! It's a pleasure to meet you!" He hesitated a bit when it came to the bird's name, but stuck his hand out for a handshake anyways, smiling his usual cheery grin. [color=red][b]'Don't get in my way and I won't brutally murder you.'[/b][/color]