Throughout history, there have been those who wielded the power of the gods. Calling themselves champions, avatars, descendents or incarnations of their deities, these people performed great deeds which shaped the course of history. While some went down in history, others passed into myth and legend, as scholars doubted the plausibility of their fantastic stories. The town of Shinkawa is located on the western coast of the main island of Japan. To the east of Shinkawa lies the Inoue forest, which is home to a variety of flora and fauna. As for the town itself, its architecture is generally fairly modern, aside from a few streets of more traditional buildings around the Shinkawa Shrine, a large Shinto shrine on the northern end. The town's main attractions include its beautiful beaches, a number of cafés and restaurants, including the Budou café, where the staff's uniforms tend to resemble typical maid or butler outfits and famous Ravissant patisserie, which is known for both the incredible quality of its products and the fact that its owner and head chef was once a professional wrestler, Izumi's Funland, an amusement park with a variety of rides and the Shinkawa shrine itself. Within this town, the gods have recently broken their centuries-long silence in a big way. A number of people have been approached by "heralds", animals sacred to a god, who granted them power. At the same time, people have started talking about strange creatures seen lurking in the night. The population at large is oblivious to the arrival of the gods' champions, brushing off the sightings as normal animals. However, those who received the power know these things are more than just stray cats. [hr] So, basically, this is an urban fantasy RP set in a (fictional) Japanese town. Within the past couple of weeks, the PCs encountered a god or goddess's "herald", who gave them their powers, warned them about the coming evil and told them about the other Avatars. Overall, the tone of the RP is meant to be on the lighter side. Also, the title's a bit of a misnomer, since the Avatars don't need to be female. As Avatars, there tend to be some appearance changes (mostly clothing, though animal traits the deity tends to be depicted with could also make an appearance) and their powers are based on the deity's domains. In addition to these powers, Avatars are stronger, faster and tougher than normal humans. [hr] Name: Age: Appearance: Deity: Powers: Personality: Backstory: Other: