[center][h1]ALEXANDER SKY[/h1][b]LOCATION, NEW ANCHORAGE[/b][/center] Alexander's heart dropped; even in his time laying low, he had heard of Jan and Stein; two of the best known pilots in recent history. They were in [I]New Anchorage[/i]?! How should he react? They were known to be very good pilots - possibly better than him, and with their own reasons to dislike him for being Red-Star. Especially as he had heard that Jan Van Gent had killed Fubuki, one of the 'solo players' of Red-Star. Did Jan hate all Red-Star and Fairbanks pilots, or was it just a few? As for Stein, she was frightening too - killing at [i]ten[/i]?! He wasn't worthy, and Graham, Graham or the Former Commander must have had a magnetic personality if they were able to attract them to their side. This was, this was overwhelming. As he followed Graham through the corridors, he tried to steady himself, and noticed that Graham, once more, had established a deeper grip into his mind, not one that would blind him - he was sure that even Graham didn't want [i]blind[/i] obedience, but, well, it was one that made Alexander see the man as someone who can get him what he wanted - a life better than what he had before, a life for any children he had or might adopt that was better than what their parents had before, and a world that is slightly better than the present. Also, one last thing; they were rumored to be, well, very handsome and beautiful, especially Stein. Yes, his thoughts had turned towards that direction. [i]Tahlia was right; you're a child,[/i] the rational part of Alexander murmured to him. [i]But you'll grow up; like Graham said, you're no longer a child in an Iron Giant.[/i] "No, I'm no longer a child in an Iron Giant," he whispered to himself. Graham had seriously impressed Alexander with that speech, showing that he was more than your typical despot. Disagree with him about Morality all you like, fact was still that when people like him spoke of honor and integrity, he [i]listened[/i].