[h3]Daniel Wilton[/h3] [hr] He saluted silently and nodded acknowledgement to Lorenzo’s response to his question. Afterword, it was a matter of cleaning up shop. Buell, a pale man who appeared to be around his own age was the squad officer. He had no concerns there, but the younger girl that was promoted to the junior officer position was worth pause. Of course, they would have chosen carefully. Daniel shifted his feet slightly. He really needed some time to get to ‘know’ his squad mates better. Analyzing the data from their mock battle would be helpful, though he likely wouldn’t be able to get his hands on it for another few hours, and it would take longer to go over it all. The training schedule was particularly generous with free time; it was clear that the pilots would be expected to undertake personal training and goals. This was certainly a much looser military division than of the regular ground forces- though it made sense. A glance about was all one needed to realize that these were not just soldiers… just children and adults formed into a team that was meant to handle severe psychological trauma while training to fight an enemy that was slowly eradicating their species. At the dismissal, Daniel turned heel and headed straight for the pilot barracks. He followed Twilight from a distance for most of the way because he was unfamiliar with the layout of the base still. He split off as he spotted his own quarters, softly closing the door- It was a modest room, with a bunk just a step above a cot, bare walls, and a small desk against the wall opposite the bed. At the foot of his bed was an empty plastic storage trunk. Atop the bed sat two generic bags, and he quickly unzipped the first and transferred the neatly folded clothing the trunk, pausing from time to time to gently brush out a wrinkle. He took the chance to change out of the plug suit into a much less formal attire; standard issue pants and a white undershirt. The second bag was much more important however. Upon unzipping it, his fingers paused on the contents, as if unsure where to start before starting by removing a [i]paper [/i]hardback book. He stroked the cover before piling it on the desk, followed by a stack of loose leaf synthetic paper documents and a few notebooks. Along with this came an assortment of office tools, protractors, two calculators, a ruler, etc. Despite the mess, it took Daniel only a few minutes to sort the conglomeration into the various desk drawers; he was familiar with it. In the last drawer, he discovered the training manuals that Lorenzo had mentioned before, as well as the ‘personal device’ he had told Daniel to bring to his office to collect the battle data. He left the device alone, but picked up the first of the manuals before sliding open his door so he could keep track of the goings on outside. Daniel then relaxed on the bed, intending to tear into the instructional text like a teenager into a romance novella until he had a better grasp of the facility than Lorenzo himself. This particular manual detailed the VR simulators, their hardware specs, and operation- as well as instructions on how to load and craft different scenarios for training. It was quite an impressive piece of equipment on its own, really- the ability to calculate for planetary gravity, atmosphere, even average surface rock composition. His hand crept to his ever present notepad, jotting occasional notes on a setting or feature he found intriguing.