The paramedics for the team moved Tia into the ambulance and sped back to the HQ. Running all of the lights was harder with all of the pedestrians running in and out of the streets. When they got there she was taken into xray. Nearly every bone in her body had been broken. The doctor called Wicked at the agency to inform her that Tia had been seriously injured. [color=8882be]"Yes ma'am that is correct she does have regeneration and phase. She is still alive because of the regeneration kept her breathing. Her phase wasn't activated, it looks like she was whipped back so hard that her neck snapped. From that point on she was a ragdoll. Yes Ma'am, she will be fine but it may take a couple of days. She took extensive damage." [/color] Wicked hung up with the doctor and shook her head and got up from her desk. She supersped back to her suites and packed an overnight bag. Her com buzzed and she answered,[color=f9ad81] "Yes, I'll be back in a couple of days. Tia was hurt and they will need a leader for a a little while. I'll tell her. Thanks."[/color] [hider=Wicked CS] [img][/img] Powers= [color=00aeef]Immolation blasts Generates and manipulates radioactive fire and explosions, has learned to fly using this power (heat rises)[/color] [color=f9ad81]Super Speed[/color] [color=fff200]Regeneration, advanced healing[/color] [/hider] Wicked kicked in some speed and she was in San Francisco. She stopped to see what all of the ruckus was about. Seeing the statues she rose up into the sky. Her flight power was strictly caused by the heat she could control and weild like a toy. There were plenty of supers on the scene so she went on to the HQ. Tia needed her. Wicked went straight to the medical building. Tia was in a comatose state while her body healed her. It was mandatory or she would have felt every bit of pain as her body's broken bones healed. Wicked picked up the chart and read it. Then kissed her niece on the forehead.[color=f6989d] "Don't worry Tia I'm here to help, you just rest."[/color] [@FunnyGuy][@RumikoOhara][@Dark Light][@Blop] and EVERYONE ELSE (too many names to find, lol) [@king tai] [@raeofthelight][@queentze]