[center][img] http://fontmeme.com/freefonts/img.php?f=156425&s=55&t=Drifter&c=FF99FF[/img] [H2][color=AFEEEE]AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA[/color][/H2] [url=http://rs798.pbsrc.com/albums/yy264/animetron/Anime%20PNG%20Pictures%202ND/MakinamiIllustriousMari-3.png?w=480&h=480&fit=clip]WILD GIRL[/url][/center] Jess pivoted in the air Hovering about 200 meters altitude. Her eyes protected by her safety glasses from the bright sunlight. She knew that these mobile statues had to have a puppet master and that master needed or at least she hoped needed a line of sight to manipulate the shambling masses now being destroyed by Brian an Naomi. *Now if I were the choreographer of this little stage play where would I have as my position?* she thought as she applied the sniper position rules to the puzzle at hand. Elevation, clear control arc concealment and escape; these were the standard position requirements and as this was a city of hills rich in possibilities. Which might make her task harder but who wanted it easy, not Drifter.