Wicked took his hand and turned and flung him over her shoulder and onto his back. [color=00aeef]"Woosh"[/color] She knocked the wind out of him. [color=f49ac2]"You will treat Inertia as if she is the most respected person in the world. If you don't you will pay for it dearly."[/color] She had a hand over his chest ready to blast him into oblivion. Inertia is in the med building. She nearly died tonight. And you sit here. Wicked was glowing, she was mad and her entire body was radiating heat so bad that the fireplace across the room caught fire. [color=f49ac2]"When that alarm sounds it means someone on the team is in seriously grave condition. It is not your choice to go or not, it is your duty. Do you understand me?"[/color] [@FunnyGuy]